Life goes on - Winter 2021

Hmm, that was not fun, hope not too much is ruined.


Thanks JO, but I can just look out my window. I’m anxious to see the snow gone, but I know right under it is mud and right under that is bugs and sweat and then in about 9 months we will get a couple of weeks of fall, which I love and then winter again. It’s a viscous cycle.


Tom, we’re lucky you and I, to be able to appreciate any type of weather :smile:


Darrell no, where is the unlike button to push a hundred times. Sorry this happened to you.


Hopefully the starter will still crank over Darrell. Drain the oil and pull the spark plugs and if it will turn over that will pump the water out of the cylinders. Squirt some oil in the cylinders and turn it over to coat the walls. I’m sure you already knew these things but just in case. I don’t know what to say about sensors but I’d dry everything I could out with a heat gun. I’m sure the real mechanics here have other fixes.


I’m sure it’s the same at your place JO but we only have two seasons. Winter and getting ready for winter.


The headlights are lit . . . engine was running??

And Pacific salt water too, eh.
Others will say about the mechanicals.
I’ll say about the many factories electrical ganged plugs. Underhood are mostly originally sealed and can be helped with a pressure washing.
Vehicle interiors electrical connector plugs are open; NOT sealed. Bugger-do, impossible to get to every one of these. Disconnect; and then electronics cleaner spray, wash out. And then spray preserve, from corrosions.
Try Darrel. Try. Or suffer too many electrical glitches, later.

My Condolences
Steve Unruh


Very true. That’s what those other months are all about.


Finally got my W2, pretty disappointed on the amount I’ll be getting in my tax refund. At least I don’t owe.


I always seem to be paying more taxes. But I get to use their monies all year long with out paying interest. Last year it was over two thousand dollars. My accountant said you are making monies if you pay taxes at the end of the year. If you get monies back the government is using your monies with out paying you interest for using it.
I like that.


It really is just the world’s crappiest savings account when you think about it.


Thanks All

No the engine was off but when she went in the headlights lit and the horn went off. No water went in the intake and when pulled out and thoroughly pressure washed the starter rolled her over but the glow plugs did not cycle and she didn’t fire. The injector computer and all dash stuff was under for about half an hour. In my brothers shop for the weekend with heater to dry it out. Expecting electrical problems so decision to make whether to strip and sell or chase glitches. My brother is a HD mechanic so that is a huge help. Looking for a miracle cab and harness match.


JO; Your weather looks about like ours. The other day the weather forecaster said that the national weather observatory was predicting we were going to get a “snow scall” — a term that he said he had never used in his years of broadcasting. Well WE know now what it means. It was snowing so hard that we couldn’t see the cars or their head lights on the road 100 meter away. The snow was very fine snow, not flakes at all. And the winds were 35-55 mi/hr. We only got about 2 inches of snow but it blew into big drifts that were a bitch to plow out. 6-8 inches coming tonight. Hoping they are wrong on that. TomC


Cody; You obviously haven’t had a savings account at a bank in several years. Starting as a kid saving, I always got 3% on my money. When I retired I had a savings account that I was counting on getting 3% on giving me a fair amount of income each month. Unfortunately the Federal Reserve dropped the interest rate at the time I retire and it has been under !% every since. The tax money that the gov. holds for taxes wouldn’t make me anything but it sure is nice when they have to come up with a thousand dollar refund. TomC


The right words. We really need a unlike button.

It can happen fast. Not yet for me, but every time we are near the water I start jumping around like a teenager from the excitement. I always (most of the time) turn the wheel as far as possible so that the tractor cant run strait in. Leave it there for an hour, put the jetskis back on and go home, relaxed this time.


Several weeks ago the 1986 Honda fourtrax followed me home. It is intended to haul me around the neighborhood faster and with more style than the lawn mower I have been using for several years.
I have become the neighborhood garbage can collector which involves about 3 miles travel per week.
So just finished the 2” receiver mounted 24” by 30” platform with 3/4” curbs.
Works great!


Mike, when I first started to read your post I thought maybe your wife would be hauling you on the platform around the neighborhood :smile:
Maybe more likely that’s how @KristijanL is getting around Saturday evenings :rofl: Sorry Kristijan! I couldn’t help it :rofl:


Not in later years, but a couple of years back you wuldnt be far from the truth :smile:


Hey Michael it’s 10F here this morning.
The 17 kW/th electric furnace can’t keep up.
The wood stove cranked out to a full capacity of consuming 12 pounds an hour can.
Alder too slow of energy release. Douglas Fir in 20% primary air, slow flame, full HOT glow coaling can. Even gain a little.

Zoom-Zoom you are now.
Steve Unruh