I have a twin to that at home in parts, 1986 trx 125. Like many of my projects it was free and “ran when parked” motor was seized and bore is solid rust. I removed the reverse gearbox off the motor and picked up a 1985 atc 125 for the motor another freebie with a broken frame. Have the gasket kit sitting, just need time to get to it. Hard to beat the reliably of the old Honda stuff. And old school as it gets. Suspension? No no no, you need BALLOON TIRES!
Are you serious Unruh?
Wow. As soon as the mud dries up a little we’re going to plow the garden.
You’re not still making her drag you home are you K?
Twice a winter, fortunately short 3-13 days conditions Billy.
I stack up go-fer truck hauling on the frozen firmed up soft grounds during these periods.
Long enough I sometimes get to experiment with wet frozen woods directly into the wood stove. Not bad. Not bad at all. I can see now how the northern mid-continent guys do it.
I made a goal for no smoke, ever back in 1999/2000. Before I got into wood gasification. Got that down with usage limitations.
Wood gasification taught me to mind my active made char beds.
Using hot char beds has allowed me to really stretch out to be able to use truly 40% wet wood in the shoulders seasons. An ultimate as-needs capability here.
Ha! My wood stoving now is much more glass front charcoal heating with the hot made in place woods charcoal.
Flaming wood anymore just a necessary step to get where I want to be.
Wearing lots of wool layers now
Steve Unruh
This morning it was 11 °f not one cloud in the sky, completely a blue sky every where when the sun started the shine and start warming the earth up here. No wind this is really nice. It has been months since I have seen a completely blue sky day like this. Absolutely Beautiful !!
Nah, l got autopilot installed
16 deg F here this morning… I only ventured outside to feed the stove until afternoon.
Was in the 50s or so today but raining like crazy. I85 and Highway 74 was gridlocked almost all day due to bridge repair and a bad wreck.
I spoke to soon. Woke up to 1" snow on the ground. It is white everywhere and in the 20’s °f .
It is beautiful, Thank you God we can use the extra moisture on the dry land.
About an inch at my house to and low 30s.
Side note prayers for those in Ukraine, as they were invaded by Russia last night
Joni , Please keep us updated on the situation in Ukraine
Vitaliy too, I’m worried about all our colleagues in Ukraine.
This Ukraine expected incursion has not proved limited to just the eastern proveniences’
Widespread across the country fly-over air strikes.
Troops pushing forward from the north out of Belarus; inward from the east and south from Russia.
Ukraine out, networks are damaged. Overloaded.
Very bad for the people living there.
Gonna’ be bad for us, U.S. and E.U.
V.Putin virtual president-for-life will have had aggressive to use “Aces” quicker effecting that economic sanctions already planned. Set up. Ready to trigger.
Northern Europe still needing winter heating and electrical generating fuel gasses. Russian natural gas.
Expect network crashing hacking to activate hard on the rest of us. Apply progressive pressure until we cry uncle.
So the core question now is just how tough are we.
Steve Unruh
Here’s a couple of tough rural kids. 24F out there.
Schools called closed today due to increased snowing.
Got wood enough for four more months.
Got roofs for decades.
Got food for six months.
And today is the wife’s birthday!
“You cannot wait for the bad days to pass to decide to be Happy.”
Steve unruh
happy birthday lady Unruh!
Yes, happy birthday lady Unruh.
As a young boy I was crazy about guns, like every one. Then I met my future wife, after a few years the war in Bosnia ended and again a few years later we went there for the first time. Everyone was very enthousiastic how well things were repaired, but every every house still had some form of damage. Finally we made a trip from Gradacac to Sarajevo and I had to look at all that damage during the four hour trip. I was sick for three weeks and never ever touched a gun and I am not planning to. Grazy what people can to each other. Bah. My thoughts are with the people in Ukraine.
One more short story, I was a taxidriver during my study. Always on saterday night so I can tell some stories, and still do. The first time I had to work at the yearly fair I took a weapon with me for protection. Worst night ever. I talk and if that doesnt help, I said the wrong things. Never got robbed, the people that didnot want to pay , payed double. It is in words not weapons. Like I said, thirty years ago but still telling stories.
I have other uses for my guns, protecting my neighbors cattle as much as defending myself. Without that right then all of our other rights can be trampled on if they wanted.
Thinking of buying a generator with my tax return. Harbor Freight is definitely the place I’m looking. Not sure if I want the 4375 watt or the 6500 watt generator. I might shell out for the 6500 watt. Better to be overbuilt and have extra power to tap off of than to need more.
Edit: screw it I’m going for the 9kw generator it has a 20amp output for 115v.
I have seen pictures of H Freight generators and invertor generators at discount, pallet return kind of places in Indianapolis. I know that H F marks down their returns and has a return policy on them in their stores. I don’t know how these places get ahold of them or their testing and return policy. The picture showed their 9500 watt invertor for $999. I have been trying to make a list of all these places and will spend a day checking them out. A lot of the store returns from around the country are processed and sold in Indianapolis. I am sure there is no factory warranty on them.
I came here from the fieldlines forum where I thought about using wood gas to power a backup generator. This summer I want to start the earthworks for a small pico hydro generator on the creek that splits our property, and I am designing a 17" diameter wind turbine and 90’ tilt-up tower. I have dreamed of being energy independent. This is my retirement hobby. I need to learn more about battery storage. Here in western Pa we have abundant hardwood forests and I see enough fallen dead branches on our wood lot to recharge a battery bank during the low wind and water times on our creek. With all that is going on in the world, if we could be energy self-sufficient that is the last key to our gardens and livestock. I am still vacillating between charcoal and raw wood. retirement income and too small of a shop keeps getting in the way.