Printer replacement advice

Our old Brother ink jet printer is starting to die and we are looking for advice. We have noted that several of the new brands only take their own, proprietor ink cartridges that cost more than generic. we need color and the ability to scan documents. We don’t print a lot, but it is needed. HELP!


We just bought a new Kyocera. It is printing right now in the shop. Will see tomorow how it looks. It scan too . Last one was HP, did a good job too but its a hard life in the shop. Had one Kyo before, very pleasant how long the cardridge holds up. I hope this one does the same


Sorry, Kent. My wife and I gave up on ink jet printers, gave up on color prints at home. I purchased the cheapest HP laser print/scan/copier at Wally World. Has been ok. We found replacement toner / drum cartridges online at a reasonable price. Works for most of the odd ends we print. :grin:


Me too Mike. I don’t use it enough to keep the ink from drying out. My Canon b&w laser printer is 3 years old and I still have not replaced the cartridge.


I replaced my parents inkjet with an all-in-one laser printer/copier/scanner. simply because they didn’t print enough to keep the ink wet and I had to clean the cartridges with isopropyl to get it to print again or bought new cartridge set for 50 bucks. The laser toner doesn’t dry up. I haven’t tried pictures on photo paper. Lasers aren’t super great at it in general. so those go to wally world. They have the paper and they have better printers. I think it is a canon. I would have gotten the HP but it was a xmas deal. They do have small initial cartridges, but you can get ones that do like 5k sheets. You probably won’t ever replace it.


I bought an Epson tank printer…online used…couldn’t be happier easy to setup…even with linux and android.


Thanks for the advice.