Solution for grate problem in downdraft gasifier

What may be the solution to grate problem in downdraft gasifier. It gets blocked all the time and required cleaning by hand.

Hello p sharma

Welcome to the web site

We need to know something about the gasifier . Some picture or a description might help .

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Linear 12 volt dc motor on a timer would work. Just make it tap it every 10 seconds or whatever works.

ok. i will try to send a better one.

Hi, psharma!
6. 0f November 2016

Is the “gadget” upside down? What are those slidevalves for?

What are you flangeing to the grateflange?
At least a description of intension as a ground for comments?

The grate as such, seems to be OK, so far…?

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ok. i will try to send a better one.

This explains a lot. What is the aproximate gas production rate? It seems air stream pushes the ash up so no matter what you use for grate you will have ash on the grate.

Looks like the only way is to clean ash periodicaly.

As for the ashgrate, this shuldnt be a problem. You can make a rotory ash grate with a axle trugh the bottom

ok. i will try to send a better one.

Hi, psharma!

Before you describe or send a drawing, or at least
a photo of the upper part, it is completely illplaced
to start any recommendations.
The “working” conditions and fuel description is also
neccesary to get a picture of what happens
and what does not happen.

The grate seems to be OK for a wide range of conditions.
Soot on the grate tells of below-process temperatures.