Today I modified the muffler on my Stihl MS290. The EPA regulations mandate two tiny slots in the muffler to minimize the power output of the saw so that people spend more time cutting wood and use more gasoline and oil. The European version of the same saw has four slots, and it puts out more power.
The modification is to drill more holes in the muffler so that the saw can breath easier and flow more air. More air through the saw means more power. About twice as much. In addition to more holes in the muffler, the carburetor must be modified to flow more gasoline. I did this modification today, and the result is nothing short of impressive. From being easier to cold start, to starting quicker, to revving up quicker. And I haven’t cut anything yet, but YouTube videos show the saw cutting twice as fast after the muffler mods and the carburetor mods.
In regards to the EPA, just like any other corporation, United States corporate statues and regulations apply only to corporate agents. So if you have a Social Security Number, which identifies you as a U.S. government agent, then I suggest that if you perform these modifications, you could be liable under federal regulations. If you are a free man, like I, then the only worries are federal brutes committing crimes against you and charging you with violations that are without their jurisdiction. And then you have to go through the trouble of dismissing the criminal and statutory charges against you and then filing federal lawsuits against those same federal brutes. It’s a tougher road, but freedom is worth it in my opinion.