The secret of christmas

hello friends, soon is christmas, here a clear explanation about “father” and “son”…
ciao giorgio…and merry christmas …


and here the gospel of james…well known in the first times of christianity…tells about the childhood of jesus…
ciao giorgio


To be inclusive, it should be noted that many people celebrate christmas on the Jan 7th. :slight_smile:


the 7 january is exact the day that is told in the book of lorber…
the 24 and 25 december was an old pagane festival day from bacchus, and catholic church choosed this day for bring the paganes easier in their “boat”…also adoring “saints” and adoring maria has his roots in pagane traditions as adoring semi.divinities and a mother-divinity…
the date of 7 january at midnight has, like much things jesus christ has done, a spiritual sense…midnight is the spiritual term for the thightest mind darkness,
january as the first month stays for god is the first of all and all created…
the number 7 stands for the seven spiritual qualities of god as love - wisdom- will- order - seriousness- patience- miserycordy…


a blessed easter to all …
the secret of christmas is also the secret of easter, understanding the trinity is fundamental for understand the love of god…chapter 24 -27…
ciao giorgio


I could not get your link to work, I think this is close to what you wanted to share, please check it! thank you!

The Great Gospel of John, Book 8, Chapter 24 (

There seems to be a problem in language translation, i could not get my link to translate back to Italiano! only German / English / French ?? :upside_down_face:


Today on Holy Saturday is the blessing of the food and of course the blessing of the fire, the neighbor’s boys brought the blessed fire, which I put in my gasifier and in the stove from my wife. May God bless your fire and your families too.


mike, the text is original in english, i can open the link without problem…
a blessed easter to you


Now thats a great gesture! Never wuld of thod of that.

Is fire being blessed anywhere else in the world? I dont think l remember anyone else mention it


blessed christmas days for all our forum friends and all people of a good will…


if jesus christ would be born thousand times in bethlehem, but not in your heart, it would be useless for you…

from angelus silesius…
blessed christmas time in jesus name to all …


I can compare our life to wood, the sun gives it the energy to grow, to grow into a tree, some are bigger, stronger, some smaller. Wood gets its true meaning when we use it for construction or energy, in this way it usefully distributes its content, … it burns in a hot flame, warms, shines, provides support, shelter … but finally turns into ashes. Someone wrote that not a single Watt of energy is lost in the universe, it can only be transformed into another form, so is the heat and light of wood. Dear friends, your work and the energy you give also remain eternal, Jesus our God and Creator is certainly happy that you participate in the “construction” of a better world. Today we remember the day when he came especially close to us and showed us his great grace. Friends, thank you for burning, shining and warming, I can’t repay you for that, but believe me, our Lord preserves every ray of light from you.
Merry and blessed Christmas!


Well l’ve been living one secret of Christmas having family near my wife got to come home Friday from hospital she has starting to walk a little so l feel l am experiencing the blessings of Christmas.May all of you and your families have a Blessed Christmas Dan


dan, pleasure to hear this…
generally, how works this, when jesus christ must be born in our heart, how angelus silesius has said?
this is the fact what is told us in chapter 3 of the gospel of john, where jesus speaks with nikodemos about being “born again”…
a human being is composted by a human body, and by a soul and a spirit…
this mysterious spirit is a part of god directly given in our heart, where it seems and is inactive like a seed grain…
a seed grain, for bringing good fruit, needs a good land or ground, and good nutrition…
a good land is a humble and believing heart, and the good nutrition is the word of god…
when this word of god is taken in practice by man, the seed grain (as is the spirit)can grow till the point where we not follow more our egoistic will, but the will of god, not constricted, but free willing by our own will…
when this completely leads our will - doing only the will of god- the seed grain or the spirit of god in us is born again…
a person who searches this is the owner of the good land( how the word of god says), where the spirit can grow…
the "owner of the good land " will also recognize soon, that god is love, paternal love, because he will us educate from creatures with free will (condition of free beeing and not a machine) to his children …(john 1.12)

generally for god would be easy create only “good human beeings” by his almight, but thoose would never be free beeings, what are able to become children of god by her own willing…
so, create free human beings, and lead them to her goal, is also not easy for god…what we can see on the conditions on earth…