Really old song, been sang over and over words keep changing. Same tune as Rye Whiskey and Moonshiner from old Ireland, shares some lyrics of the originals. This is more of a Confederate/Reconstruction era period for the lyrics.
Careful where you step and watch what you eat. Sleep with the light and you got it beat.
I give that an amen.
Wonder google algorithms…
Inflation economic wows…
I remember this from before.
google knows in my bones old punks never grow up we just say screw it and carry on…
Lounge lizard version of when the shite hits the fan…
That is one of my favorite movies. and totally a lounge lizard version of shtf
Plate o shrimp!!!
A muscle twitch, an auto, it swerves
You want to speak, you lose your nerve
Infinity throws you a curve
Dumps you in shit you don’t deserve
As life roars by you in a blur
Leaves you murmuring a dirty word
And they say Iggy Pop never made any sense…
Saw a few patches of orange leaves yesterday. Mornings are cool and the air is crisp. Bugs have wound way down. Best time of the year except it is the threshhold of winter.
Found a new band, and it turns out the singer is from another band I listen to, Pär Hulkoff from Raubtier. This band is called The Bourbon Boys. Swedish Country!
They sing in English though.
In this winter of political discontent, time to step back and drink from some reality:
I link this Charley Prides wisdom; Family of Man, to it’s use in the movie, “Sometimes a Great Notion”.
Find it. Load it. Watch it.
Shouts out that it is individual WillPower is what gets things done in the real. Yet . . . It is the cumulations of these positives that pulls us all forwards.
Any damn fool can break things, tear things down. Be an agent of rapid entropy.
Life is positivity, building, growing.
Steve unruh
There are good days and there are bad days. Today I was to late to chose the music and had to listen to this for eight hours
I wasn’t in the workshop this is more driving on wood tunes I think its goes right along with the smile with every mile, and good 90’s country will kill my voice its such a good time. May have been singing a little to much this morning and melted some funcos but I was having fun the whole time!
You must be from northern Michigan where all the houses have wheels and the cars don’t.
I see that you have managed to get north Don. If you want to compliment a woman in these parts you say “nice tooth”