These are my get rich quick ideas. Shoot them down

Maybe just get it to the super-critical point… :slight_smile: Oh wait, gas is a mixture of stuff that won’t work.

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Well Hi, John Stout.
Been a while since hearing from you.

I got a phone call two days ago from a friend wanting to know If I was be-gone-on; or just Mark Twain’ing. Naw. Been reading and studying a lot now I told him.

And you so tied into earth energy I figures my bare-footing, earth-grounding part Cherokee Wife would let me know it you were gone-on a’Spiriting away.

True wealth is inwards. That external stuff, all too fleeting. Seductive corrupting. Pity the lost pursuers.
Steve Unruh


Hey Steve! I was hoping I might get your attention. Good to hear from you as well. I guess I’m still a wood gasser. I’ve been replacing Rusty leaking Parts on my rig and taking little test runs around the place. I’ve got him running pretty good and it’s really fun and satisfying. Especially fun to run in December when I’m normally shoveling snow. There’s no snow to be had around here this year so I’ve been chopping woodgas fuel chunks for exercise, Hoping for some more nice days.
The coyotes are singing real pretty out there tonight.


Good to hear from you John. No Snow! Well that’s nice, I have shovel snow a couple times this year. But this week it warmed up and it rained the snow is all but gone. The weather people have said there is more coming soon in their forecasts.
Nice to hear you have been working on the old woodgas truck and giving a little road test on the property.


Hey Bob. There’s no snow but it’s still nice and chilly so I get to keep the fire going in the house and get one going in the truck once in awhile too.
