Tractor with gas?

Tone, the alarm screams at 4.30 in the morning, but I can’t sleep.
As you can see below on the plate, it’s an industrial ~500V motor. If we assume the cos fi is fairly proportional to the voltage used, my domestic 400V would cause a 0.85 cos fi? That would mean 15% reactive power. Maybe? Is cos fi dependent on the load as well? Because with 400V I won’t be able to squeeze even 9kW out of it and secondly I have only one groove to spare on the Volvo crankshaft pulley. Single belt means probably no more than 4-5 kW. With that in mind, I calculated the needed capacitance to 15 uF. That’s calculating 5kW. Btw, with a 3-pase system - should I calculate P/3 = 5/3???
Lot’s of questions :smile: Maybe it’s a trial and error thing.
Oh, one more thing. I read somewhere the caps should be mounted in parallell with the windings. That can’t be right, could it? I would be phase compensating for the entire neighbourhood :smile:


Naprave_za_kompenzacijo_jalove_energije.pdf (936,5 KB)


JO, if you use a star/delta switch to start, you can start this motor at home and when you measure the no-load current of the motor, which will be more than 10A, you will remember me. The document on pages 8, 9, 10 contains all the information you are interested in, you connect the capacitor directly to the motor, but you need 6 Kvar of capacitive power and for this you need a 3x40 microfarad capacitor, but probably 3x50 will be needed.


Well, as far as the power of this engine in generator mode is concerned, there is no need to worry, when it is switched on with the mains, it will be able to provide 15 kW of power, without fear of damage, the Volvo engine will not overload it, and the pulleys should be at least 1:2 =Volvo: generator and at least three belts


Thanks a lot Tone. I’ll get back to you when it’s time. I have some hardware (frame ans such) to fabricate before I can start playing.


Today, son and l visited Tone. Had a great sunday lunch, and a excelent guided tour of his treasures.

I brought some gifts for the rest of you guys too, made a few videos :wink: hope my camera caught the sound a bit better this time. Still, the sound of the mower engine is impossible to comprehand from a video. Its mean, its agresive, touch the throtle too much and it goes crazy. Imagine Mike Tyson in his best years snorted a foot long line of coke and then did one line of chilli powder. Thats what this engine behaves like :smile:


Oh, and l learned where Tones strengh comes from today. Look at the stone crushing video for a hint, thats some real redneck basketball :smile:


That mower sounds like my race engine I have for a motorized bicycle! Is it around 200-300cc?

Also the diesel sounds amazing. Very healthy engines.


Exactly. Ha, its a 490ccm. Ment for kerosene originaly, hence the super low compression ratio. Tone fixed that problem :smile:


Kristjan praises me too much, I’m not worthy of it, well, I was happy to visit and socialize, which passed too quickly


Redneck basketball :grinning: :joy: :muscle:


Most redneck sports are fun, that one looks like it would be work. Need to add a circle as a target, perhaps a sling shot launcher for the rock. And a timer who can get it through the target fastest. I think thats how my dad tricked us as kids to get work done and quickly :thinking:


Team Slovenia having fun :smile:
I wish I was there intead of looking through the window on drifting snow.


Thanks for the videos Kristijan. Very nice and planed out . Tone is a wise man and I dought he will ever hold the wrong end of the rope :joy:


I’ve never seen a rock crusher. I’d like a look inside that hopper. Is that limestone?
As impressive as rock basketball is I would like to see you hoist one of those flywheels Tone.


A cold beer after throwing rocks,… here’s a way to… :grinning:


You seem to be confused about how to make beer cold.


I think what Tone ment to show is it was too cold in the begining. Flashback to the time JO and l visited the US, l found it strange every drink was freezeing cold. May sound weird, but Europeans generaly like cellar temp drinks, thats in the 15-20c range. I then learnt what the proverb ment, that Brits and Irish like warm beer. Its not warm, its just not ice cold.


It’s not warm, just a bit cooler than Lukewarm. Like if you left a can out on the counter it’ll be just a tad cooler than a 70°F room.


Tom, each wheel of the flywheel weighs about 600 kg,… well, here will be the answer to your question