Tractor with gas?

:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:I knew there was something missing. Thanks, good idea


Those are some hefty beams Tone! Wery nice.


I only see the wife at the wood pile. I guess Tone is helping her by holding up the camera. :innocent:


Nothing new in the south of Slovenia, it was a completely normal day, my wife and I finished stacking the sawn wood, there was still some tidying up of smaller waste pieces, which I ground in a screw chopper, in between there was also some larger hard piece that I pushed in the throat, well, thank God, only the cardan tube broke, there was no other damage, … wood gas is no joke.
Here is another shot of the tractor, which has been working with a low load for quite some time, you can see that it is necessary to change the gas-air mixing ratio a bit, but it recovers quickly. I apologize for the bad sound.


tone, i have a cardan pipe here, if you can use it…?
ciao giorgio, and a blessed new year to you and all forum friends…


A few highlights from tonight,…
Test of an electric chainsaw 2.4 kW on an asynchronous generator 5.5 kW, capacitor connected in a star to get a phase voltage of 230V.


Here we have it ladies and gentlemen… the woodgas chainsaw.


a new masterpiece of tone…!!!


Giorgio, thank you,… well, I don’t deserve such praise,. …
I can say that the tractor does not feel any load with this saw, the ideal engine for such a generator would be an Acme or Lombardini approx. 500ccm, so it would be very interesting to install such an engine-generator on a BCS mower and you have a powerful generator for producing electricity in the field or at home , which would enable the operation of most machines and devices for everyday use, including a welding machine.


Well that idea is nothing but genius. I thod about puting something like that on my tractor but the BCS wuld be even better!


Tone you give me ideas for my 400cc lawn tractor. Remove the mowing deck and use the pulley system and tensioner to drive a small generator for appliances.


I don’t know what sort of tractor you have, but if you could find a snow blower for it, you’d have most of the mounting hardware, with the generator up front and accessible.


It’s just an old Murray tractor style mower. Late 80s/early 90s model.


Today I indulged in some pleasures, I attached the plow to Fergi, fired up the gasifier, filled the funnel with “Swedish” fuel (chips from birch branches) and enjoyed working in the field, well, dusk quickly descends and the festivities are over. I burned one bucket of fuel, it’s nice to change the work schedule a bit, I’m sorry that we live so far apart, because otherwise I would plow all DOW members’ gardens and fields. :smiley:


Here I tried to show the start-up of the gasifier, there is a lot of fuel left from yesterday, but I use the system of our “teacher” and friend, well, because I want a “fast” start-up, I let steam up through the chimney and a lot of strong gas quickly forms in the gasifier, you can see what follows… :smiley:


Hi Tone, yes great a W.K. down through the fuel stack hollow tube liting-up.
Ha! The the metal tube heated glowing hot to show the char bed is for sure heating.
After your 1:14 minute “event” your blower hum sounds differently. True? Or a just a recorder change?
At 2:38 you scan past the end of your hopper vapor-out chimney stack. On its end are you using just a gravity weighted flapper cover? Or a manual open and close cover?
Regards, thanks for the showing
Steve unruh


Mr. Steve, thanks for the good question. When the “Puff” happens in the gasifier, the ash is also “cleaned” from the area of the vertical grate and the pressure opens the gravity flap on the chimney, which I then manually close again, the fit of the air blower loosens a bit and the sound changes. We must know that the fuel content is very dry and thus pyrolysis quickly spreads upwards among the relatively cold fuel, that means that a lot of hydrogen and oxygen is released from the wood, which does not burn into water vapor due to the relatively low temperature, but accumulates inside. , well , the conditions for “Puuff” quickly appear. When the system warms up and the engine exhausts gases, this phenomenon almost never occurs.

Is this a reasonable explanation?


A very reasonable explanation, Tone. This is why I almost always reverese the blower for a few seconds before closing the lid. Most of the time I see flames that will quickly eat any oxygen.

For some reason there’s a 50% risk my hoppers will puff if I don’t reverse before closing the lid - most likely when I’m passing the gasifier to enter the driver’s seat. A wet sneeze that will cover my face in a wondeful, long lasting parfume :smile:


Yesterday Fergie was working in the forest, mostly he was driving the “electric generator”, and I was cutting wood with an electric saw, the cable gets a bit stuck between the branches, but the work can be done normally. Unfortunately, there was no time for a film or a photo, but I took this one today, where you can see how much gas remains in the gasifier and how high the charring of the wood in the gasifier is, …


I love see that beautiful blue flame.