Trying to make an automixer

hello ))

now in winter i am generating almost all electric power for my household with woodgas powered 500 cc engine, i run it almost every day for two hours minimum (one hopper), maybe more, if there is zero input from wind and solar.

so it would be nice to leave it running on its own for longer periods and so i decided to make an automixer.

at the moment it looks like this:

i cut in half two old 2stroke pony motor carburetors in order to use the butterfly valves

tiny motor directly on valve shaft

analog hall sensor on other end of valve shaft for feedback - and two magnets.


I had to think for a while trying to imagine how the machined motor holder looks on the inside to be able to hold that small nice geared motor still. It turns out that the sizes were messing with me as I was zooming in and out on the pictures trying to understand, I now figured it out :smile:

Great thinking and work Andris. Keep us updated on the project :blush:


Great work :+1: this will be interesting to follow.


Just pointing this out in case you are not aware of this tutorial. This is a very solid mixer controller and is very easy to make.


Maybe for you but not for a dummy like me :pensive:


Your biggest challenge here is not building this. Its the thinking that you cant that is your biggest issue. This will build itself once you get started and you will realise its much easier than you thought.

Bill built one, he had zero knowledge of any of this. This is much easier than you think. The code is already written. All you have to do is assemble it. Youtube will show you exaclty how to flash the code into the controller or I myself or others here can also help you with that. If you can transfer photos from your phone to your pc, Then you can upload code to the boards. Its the same thing.