Ed and Franklin have been burnin brush and bustin tail, doing their best to put together a good showing for the biggest preparedness expo in the US, USAPrepares, http://usaprepares.com in Lebanon, MO, I-44 exit 129, Apriil 6,7, 2013 at the Cowan Center.
Wayne Keith’s original woodgas Ford F250 460 cid will be there, and an original early 80’s model S80 sawdust gasifier designed by Raymond Rissler in contract with the Missouri-Dept of Natural Resources.
Both wood gasifiers must be seen to be believed.
The S-80 features fast starts and simple, intuitive user operation with minimal instrumentation using only SAWDUST, no petrol to start or power a home sized air cooled genset.
The Ford pickup uses a supercharger suction blower for fast switchover from non-renewable dinosaur bones to Mother Nature’s finest air carbon fuel cells.
When I first met them, not long before the birth of driveonwood.com, Franklin was making clean flare gas from a hand held paint thinner can gasifier. Ed had driven his FEMA gasifier 79 4 speed Ford 400 cid pickup around town enough to be warned about the need for a muffler.
Whether you are a Doomsday Prepper, an advocate of 21st century alt energy solutions, working to keep energy dollars closer to home, or merely curious, I hope you will let anybody in the area who may be interested know we would appreciate them making some time to come by for a visit.
Inside the doors, for a small fee, are exhibits and speakers too numerous to go into here. Check http://USAPrepares.com and http://ThePowerHour.com for the latest info.
If you can’t make it to the big one, USAPrepares, we have a small presentation (bring your own chair) in Humansville, MO (on Highway 13 between Springfield and Kansas City) on Friday, April 12. http://readinessproject.com/happenings.html for latest info. Biochar will be a significant part of the discussion that night.