What methods have been tried to combat the loss of engine power

Matt, you have me double checking myself. I’m seeing slower flame propagation in the academic papers, but higher auto-ignition pressure. So earlier spark and more compression if you want to commit an engine to wood gas. I missed commenting on compression earlier. And all that said - I’ll stand by your doer’s experience Matt re: wood gas engines.


Im just going off the some of the explosion Ive experienced haha!!!, plus I know Hydrogen is super sonic and Im pretty sure CO is as well or is very close to it.

But what you said also make a ton of sense as well.

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My thoughts exactly. What inverter are you using/recommend? I keep coming back to Victron’s Multiplus 3000. If the power from the generator is to low, it takes extra power/current from the batteries. I don’t see any other inverter do that. Then again, if you look at the price…


What ever fits your budget and gets the job done :slight_smile: Im running a 110v 5 kW cheapy and it does what I need it to do. This is for my RV though.

For the shop I would shop around for stackable inverters. Dont buy a name brand you are wasting your money. These cheap inverters work just as well. If they break you still have $5000 bucks you saved just go get a new one that works.

Sorry, this is going off topic. Stackable is something as next step (for the moment cutting wood without the noice, stackable is for the house/shop). Victron does that, any other brands? Links?

I would have to shop around and then watch all the video reviews before I could recommend anything. I have not looked at inverters in a long time. 6 months is a very long time in this space; this is constantly changing. I would not go with Victron or any of those high end brands they are too much money, when you can get these cheap ones for a fraction of that cost. Ill risk getting a bad one, Ill just return it.

Follow this dude he knows whats going on, he has a website as well.

Ha, yes I have seen that guy. My son is a follower. Had some nice video about LifePo4


Joep for stackable inverters have a look at MPP solar brand inverters also called pip inverters i think , lots of people here in Australia use them and rate them very high , but u have to get the genuine ones not the lookalike ones on ebay , i think that Will Prowse has even shown using one on his site .



This is a perfect understanding of producer gas combustion.


So the inert gases must slow the H2 down? I guess Im learning here, as Ive always used h2 combustion as the benchmark.

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I went through this question a decade ago…laminar flame speed of hydrogen is 8 meters per second, while carbon monoxide is 1 meter per second. Laminar means if the gas and air mixture was in an one inch pipe 8 meters long, it would take 1 second for the flame front to travel the eight meters. This is completely opposite of what happens in an engine. Engines burn gas with turbulent flow, which is much much faster.
Here is an experiment I did some years ago with carbon monoxide and laminar flow.