Wood supply

And probably close to all winter for us…


I don’t have a smart comment, I understand Mr. Wayne, because I know that it is a lot of work to process so much wood into a usable form, I try to cut this “waste” on the fly and stack it on pallets so that they can be used as fuel in the boiler for heating. Here in biližina there are several sawmills for logs, such wood is bundled into “butares” with a content of approx. 4 cubic meters and sold for 15-20 Euros, this is the cheapest purchase of energy. One of the wood-processing plants has a large mill for such wood, a dryer and a 250 kW gasifier that drives an electric generator.


Good morning Mr. Tone .

It seems around here people are very spoiled . Almost no one except me heats their homes or shops with wood .

Several years back I could give the slabs away if I loaded them on their trucks or trailers for free but the last few years I have found no one that needed them even if free :disappointed:


Is there anyone in the community of DOW living near Warsaw Mo.?

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A full week for @JohanM :wink::rofl:


Charcoal == biochar :slight_smile:

Or you could probably post on craigslist or facebook marketplace in the ‘for free’ section.

A lot of people around here quit heating with wood a number of years back because it considerably raised insurance rates. Some switched to outdoor boilers, so they could be in an uninsured building.

You could probably cut it into firesized pieces and bundle it as campfire wood and sell it for 5 bucks a bundle along the road.


Yes, a lot of firewood has been burnt so far this season but some of it also was a bit mushy and some with a bit more moisture than I usually have. We’ll see if I run out during spring/summer but I am not that concerned though but it shows the need to extend the woodshed to double size coming summer.


We have short sleve weather so far. Extremely warm. Firewood consumption is at minimum, cooking and hot water produce enaugh exess heat for the night. We burnt maybee a good half a cord of pinky spruce and lime so far. Not complaining, since again the “ferriers horse is always barefoot” proverb is again true, l again managed to fill our firewood stacks to just 50% capacity. I promise l will do better next year :smile:


I think only 2 days of thaw for the past two months here now. Most of the time around -10C, and -24C at the lowest so far. I avarge about 50 kg or 110 pounds of wood a day in the boiler and another 10-15 kg in the truck. It hurts watching Wayne’s bonfire and hearing about your short sleeves Kristijan.


I live about 49 miles north of warsaw mo


Thank you Hans Boll from Fine Oak. He makes beautifull handcrafted buildings the old fashioned way. Glad to call him my friend. Didnt want to ask him for wood but almost unable to get to mine on the land.



Here is one for the fun of watching-listening to a solo-guy wood milling.
His decisions. His solo-working techniques.
He reminds me of WayneK., J.O., and Tone working their wooded properties must be. Solo with only maybe wife off-bearing help.
Oh! And towards the end he shows his winter growing greens little polycarbonate cell panels green-house.
Comments on our this winter westside mid-USA coastal weather:

Ha! Ha! Today for me . . . finish on the ground hand splitting up as a community service some delivered, been stove lengths cut D.F. logs? Hmmm. Some I did Monday mid-day, cloudy, warm-ish, no-rain. Today - rain. Naw. Cloudy, cooler, no rain predicted for tomorrow and Friday. Active being rained-on wet wood; the maul hitting sprays back up onto my eye glasses. Throws off my impact aiming. By-hand splitting is actually pricise working. No IC engine to brute force grain twists; between knot clusters, weasel; and do small knots cleaving-pops on the wide pie-splits.


Not every pursuit has to be high-tech electronics or even engines improving.
My back is saying time for me to be using a pickaroon for my on the ground woods handling.

Ha! All of the old collected up farm stuff and I ain’t got one.
I could buy. But have found numerous handled tools like old axes and a close quarters pick.

So I am working on it from young mans seen memories and some searched out on YouTube.
I wanted to post these up as helpful:

I began with a tip grind based on the first fellows recommendation. Fine for soft fir woods and sawn lumber scrap.
Would not stick-in and pick up green maple.
Reshaped to the four sides taper of the fourth guy. Works on all now.

I ever get the torch tanks refilled and I’ll put a bit more hook in the end tip.
One video I could not find showed a big-belly fellow making, then using his DIY pickaroon for piece by piece picking up small splits and stacking them in his arm crook for taking into the house.


I understand why it had to be done, but that is painful to watch. :smiling_face_with_tear:

In the south of Chile, everyone heats with wood. Heck, there are wood stoves in the post office, civil registry and other government buildings. If I had left those slabs by the roadside, they would be gone by noon!


Filling buckets with motor fuel .

Have Wood Will Travel :slightly_smiling_face:


Wayne , I have noticed for every day driving arond the farm and short drives to town the feed bags have been replaced with 5 gallon buckets. You are saving them feed bags for in the fuel hauling trailer for longer trips.


I have a trailer of chunks under cover like that right now. It’s been sitting for a couple of weeks, but I doubt the chunks lost any moisture. With the wind snow has been finding its way in there :frowning:


Yes you are correct Mr. Bob . Fueling up here at home base the buckets works very well. When filling a sack it works best to have one holding the sack while the other shovels . With the buckets just one wife can handle the filling just fine :slightly_smiling_face:


This hydraulic firewood splitter was made by my good neighbor Branko, he lent it to me to split hard cherry stumps, it’s a really great product.


Yes, what do you not do to run on wood, but I have to admit that I drove the Iller on gasoline, when I was only going to pick up one dry fir tree.