I hope that when it is all finished you won’t have to say “O crap, it turns the wrong direction” . I’m sure you thought that all through like you usually do.
Hi Don, no i actually haven’t put a thought in that, i just have to mount the engine so it pulls the right direction.
By the way: i made the screw flights “mirrored”(by mistake) my thought “it’s just to flip them over” was a brain failure, so, for pto drive i need to use a reversing gear.
Pulley center modified.
A piece of a broken air-chisel tool makes a strong wedge.
Lining it up, engine mounted on two pieces square tubing, as guides.
Mostly done, some safety guards (yeah, right) and a feeding chute left to do. Well, i must make the guards, otherwise they never will be done.
After work today: first test successful! Only some branches, and a short run (the little diesel really stinks indoors) but it works! Tomorrow get it outside for more testing

I love your realism. I too have only ever taken safety guards off rather thain installing them on a toool
Looks promising, Göran. Make sure we can see it in action tomorrow. Video that is. Can’t wait.
Congratulations on your success and thanks for sharing your project with us.
I think it works pretty well. Probably a good size for making biochar/charcoal too.
Excellent!!! Very happy for your success! Looks great and very much appreciat the video demenstrating your creation!
Tell us your thoughts… are you happy with the size of the machine and size of feed stock your able to run through it? If you built another, would you do anything different? Go bigger?(i understand size can be determined by engine or gear box your trying to work with)
I love how portable this will be. Take it to the woods, instead or bringing the woods to you.
Thank you, Göran. That was a lot of fun to watch.
Didn’t sound like the diesel bogged down much even with those close to 2 inch branches.
I have to admit I felt a few rushes when your fingers came close to the screw. Please promise the next step is the shute.
Goran proves that there is no room for lazy people among wood gas users, you have to use your time to prepare equipment for cutting wood, you have to have a place to dry the fuel, you have to make a gasifier and adapt it to the engine, vehicle, machine,… wood gas is not for lazy people and townspeople,…
Bravo Goran, I did not doubt your success, you made a good machine that will quickly cut a lot of branches, now you will be able to test “my type of fuel”.
Good job Goran!!! Motivates me to get my screw chunker done, after maple syrup season that is.
Thanks for all the kind words
It seems to work as supposed, some covers and chute left to do, and maybe a belt conveyor for easy bagging/loading.
I started with a small cart to place it on, my problem now is to find better tires for it, but very hard to find cheap 5.00-19.
@ccweb1 yes, i will follow this up as i test it more, i need to feed it some thicker stuff to see what it’s able to chew.
Edit: oh, yes, i forgot, first priority is to re-direct the exhaust, probably up, instead of blowing directly on me when i feed the machine. I still smell diesel.
Thanks Jan, a very good tips! Very good price too!
It’s a shame i’ve cut off the axle hubs yesterday (in rage), i got sick of searching tires and tubes, and decided to put on some modern stuff (which i haven’t found yet)
my congratulations on finished (well,almost) DIY project!
very smooth running machine, load seem to be well matched to the engine - right pulleys and gearbox.
are the belts used also as safety clutch?
Thank you Andris, yes the first tests seem to prove it works as intended.
About how the belts work as a safety clutch, i have no idea, i haven’t fed it any heavier wood yet.
Mostly my philosophy with my builds are: “come along or break” (hard to translate a old Swedish saying, “med eller sönder”)
Edit: i built my belt tensioner with adjustable spring load, so, some kind of safety could be built-in (until i load it up more)
Here is a simple clutch that allows the belt to slip on the driven pulley when is is not engaged, so that it does not make a burned spot on the belt.
very nice build, göran…when somwwhere people cut wood, often the twigs and smaller branches remain there…maybee you can get it for free or even payed for forest cleaning, go there with your engine, make fuel there without transporting twigs and branches to your home…would be a nice fuel source!
Thanks Giorgio
Yes, exactly my thinking, bringing it to the brush-piles, and bring the chips/chunks home.
I have 3 places i got to pick thin wood now, so work on it’s way.
This evening i built it transportable.
This is the cart that come with the fire-pump i dragged home a while ago.
I put the chunker to the side, as i plan to install a belt conveyor besides it, the plan is to pull it after the truck, and load the chunks directly on the bed.
These nice old wheels had to go, it was cheaper to buy universal trailer stump-hubs than buying inner tubes for them, and tires was needed too.
The universal hubs fits VW wheels, and i have lot’s of them in my scrap-yard.
Looks kind of funny though, the fenders doesn’t fit…