2024 Kentucky Woodgas Meetup

It will not work out for me this year, looking forward to seeing all the posts and pics on the forum!


IT dont look like i can make it this year either-too many snags,getting signed up for medicare this year i turn 65, if i had my dakota done i would liked to have made the trip on wood,though maybe next year i can make it, after i make sure my old dakota is working good all around, I dont really trust my old vibe either, since the tranny has been acting strange,HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A BLESSED AND ENJOYABLE WEEKEND at the wood gas meet up.


Hello, .042 fairly thick are these 1.5 in wide ?
I have some .040 X 1.25 do you think they would work for any one?


Yes Ron .
I think we have the same blades , Mine are .042 X 1,25 inch .


Hello group does anyone coming to the meetup need any band saw blades? They are pretty close to the ones Wayne uses, if so I can bring them. I probably have a couple hundred ft total.
Ron L


Woodgas family, l need to ask you for prayers for my wife she is in hospital in ICU with low blood pressure kidney failure UTI and infection in her blood they are putting so much medication in her I don’t see how she can take it please pray her and the hospital team that is around her Thank You All Dan


Brother Danny, Almighty God Creator of everything see and unseen, we call to You for Your Name Sake YEHOVAH and call on Your Name the YEHOVAH God to touch Danny wife with your healing power and might, through Your Holy Spirit in Yeshua’s Name for healing in her body of the kidney’s and blood. Remove the toxins in her body according to Your Word Yeshua. When two or three ask anything it will be done, for You Oh God hear our prayers when we call out loud to You.
Send believers in You YEHOVAH to pray for Danny Wife at the hospital.
Thank You for answering our prayers in Your Son’s Name Yeshua the Messiah the Word of YEHOVAH.


May God guide your wifes medical team in their quest to heal her and also in her recovery


What a great bunch of friends that know the worth of prayer and know that we are not alone.Carolyn is showing signs of improvement still a ways to go.
God Is Good All The Time Dan


The Keith family is praying for you and your wife Dan .
Hope she is back home soon .


Praying for you and your wife. May God bless.


I pray for wisdom for the doctors and for our Lord to heal her in Jesus name.



We are also praying for you both Dan. Our heart goes out to you during this time.


Well today the wife’s numbers are up and are thinking about moving her out of ICU they are looking for a room she is not out of the woods but showing progress will be in here for at least five days before going back to rehab for five weeks again thank you for your prayers Dan


By this time of the day two weeks from now we should be rolling north toward Kentucky :grinning:


The event areas and insurance has all been paid up. With the only Exception being unforeseen circumstances, we are all set.

In regards to the camping spots, they informed me that anyone who wishes to camp is welcome to find a spot and go ahead and set up when they arrive. The groundskeepers go around the location a few times a day to make sure that fees are collected and to make sure that everybody is comfortable, so no registration is required.

If anybody wants a specific spot reserved however, I can contact the fairgrounds manager and try having that set up


We’re getting ready! I’m planning to haul our grill to make burgers and hot dogs. Norths are bringing BBQ… Farm fresh eggs for breakfast. Should be some good eating. (Everyone who can, please bring a side dish to share. Thanks!)


We will bring deer , eggs and side dishes :slightly_smiling_face:


Looking forward to meet up, dakota is being ornery. Rebuilt front end, got alignment, new tires and changed oil. Thought i was on top of things. But as l was checking out gasifer and doing maintenance, noticed reciever hitch to frame attachment was a little shaky rear of frame pulled down got that reinforced. Ok now ready to finish maintenance i thought but tonite on way hone started making weird noise. Luckily after getting home and poping hood, it was pvc vacuum line that was collapsing. So hopped in chevy and back to town for a new pvc and hose. But a set of seatcovers caught my eye( i have been meaning to replace torn ones but am to chesp. Any how just got finished installing seat covers and hose. Hopefully get to work on gasifier tomorrow nite.


We will be headed north a week from this morning :grinning:

Looking forward to seeing you again Randy .