Life goes on - Summer 2018

Hi Wayne
The calfs look a way to healthy to be MacDonald burgers. From what i read MacDonald only use the cheapest meat they can get to make burgers.

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Hello Mr.Jim .

Yes , I think you are right , McDonald’s gets the old and cripple cows .

Happy Mothers Day to all the DOW Moms.


Well now that you mention it yes… I wasn’t going to point out your low expectations for your calves…
My bull has been getting too excited lately. I was going in their yard and moving hay around to feed them but he has taken to following you around and standing on the other side of a bale of hay shaking his head at you. He hasn’t tried to do anything aggressive but he is acting like he wants to play with you. This bull has been just a little high strung since I got him in November. He was 10 months old at the time. I have decided I will keep him till the last 5 cows calve and he breeds them back then he is out of here. At the moment I am not sure if I want to load him into a trailer or not the way he is behaving right now I almost think someone would get hurt working with him. He might be on the plan B program of shoot first ask questions later. I think I would rather work with a friend to process him here for my own usage then to get hurt loading. Oh the Joy’s of farming and buying animals.


Is that stuff really beef?


Billy it is where all the really old non productive dairy cows end up. When we had a dairy farm the first calf heifers who didn’t produce well would bring a decent price per pound and end up in a grocery store but the old cows that where lame or whatever the issue where you couldn’t milk them anymore they went on a different truck that ends up at the fast food places. I guess as long as people are willing to eat it that is alot better then wasting the beef but the stuff is nasty.

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Yeah, I know. I’ve watched them dragged across the scales with a skid steer foaming at the mouth and convulsing. They sell them, pick them up into the truck and take them straight to the slaughter house.

old and tough. Actually, we grew up on old dairy cows with broken legs. A local dairyman would call us when one of his cows broke a leg or something and we’d go butcher it for meat.

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Being the farmer we got to pick a heifer which wouldn’t breed. While I didn’t believe it before I got my first one I really like the grass feed beef cows better. I actually like the Galloway a little better then Angus it is sweeter.


I haven’t eaten at McJunkils in over 30 years!


Me neither!!! I have a friend who is in his 40s about twice a year he goes and gets a burger then complains all afternoon about feeling sick. When I worked with him I would always get a good laugh out if him doing it to himself over and over again.


Well, I would usually agree with you about McDonald’s. But we are about 20 minutes away from finishing our chicken butchering for the day. 167 birds killed, processed, picked and canned. That’s 10 hours I’ll not see again. But the smell of this chicken all day actually makes the idea of McDonald’s seem almost tolerable. But I won’t do it----I know it will be disapointing. The idea of going to McDonald’s is like sin…it always promises more than it delivers…:neutral_face:


Did a little aluminum casting yesterday.


Damn this looks cool! What method did you use to cast? Spent foam?

Yes, exactly. Lost foam. Sadly the important parts I was trying to make didn’t turn out.


You could sell those…


A beautiful day in New Hampshire. Strawberries are blooming. Compost is cooking. Lilacs smell great.


And you have a great lady to swing with.

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Your making me feel bad… I have been spending my time this week helping a friend fix doors on a pool roof. My strawberries died a couple of years ago and I haven’t planted the garden yet this spring. The early planting stuff will be a bit late now…
Yes it is perfect weather I just wish I was able to spend more of it working on my own projects… or better yet in a hammock that looks like the right place to pass these perfect days…
I do have a big Rhubarb patch though… In fact now that I think of it I might go pick some to snack on… I need to make some more sauce out of it…

Natures generousetys are filling our cellar shelfs. Anyone knows whats brewing in the big pot?


That’s the lemondrink for when driving on wood ?
