Life goes on - Summer 2022

Millennials think that is health food Joep. They sell those gold foil covered balls at the bottom of the page here as well. Pretty tasty.

Hands down for me, the best apple I’ve ever eaten were Snow apples. I have never seen them for sale or in an orchard. Every now and then I would run across a tree when I was hunting or hiking. I suppose someone somewhere grows them commercially but they are heirloom and nearly all apples available today are cross bred.


Joep, you visited here and hadnt came over for a beer? Thats unexceptible…

Ha, its geting there slowly, legalisation that is. What you are looking at is whats called CBD marihuana, its officialy ment to make tea out of. Its been legalised a few years back. It contains almost no THC, closer to hemp thain marihuana actualy. I tryed it and its just like smoking regular weed minus the high, makes you a beet soggy and relaxed. Well, l dont particulary like neither.

Beer was always available at gas stations.


Yeah CBD is just utilizing the buds from industrial hemp, it apparently can have a mild benefit to aches and stuff according to my sister.

We sell beers, malt liquors, and cheap wines at our gas stations and grocery stores :joy:. In North Carolina you have to go to a State controlled ABC store to get hard liquor.


It has a bit more canabinoids thain hemp does and more THCthain hemp (max alowed amount for hemp here is 0.5%) but what l understand is thats so because in the body CBD always bonds to receptors before THC so any THC present with high percentige of THC gets pissed out. Still, not my cup of tea, at least recreationaly. But if l ever need the stuff medicaly thats will be a nother story.


I never got into drugs. I don’t even take an Advil or Tylenol unless I can’t shake my headaches. I figure if I ever actually need to take a drug then it’ll be more effective from not building a tolerance. I am a bit of a control freak and don’t like my senses being dulled.


We think the same you and me Cody. I hadnt eaten a pill in 15 years probably, not even aspirin. Pain killers are the worse, they spoil you. With some meditation you learn to swich off the pain to a point or at least ignore it. But in case of some minor operation like putting a few stiches l rely on some schnaps. Not so much to kill the pain but more to give me courage to poke things in your own boddy :smile:


Thanks for clearing that. I will tell the boys. And we are with eight/ two cars. You really dont want us around. Only puberty and only interested in drinking smoking and mopeds. I really want to visit you and Tone, but it must be on woodgas. Time will tell​:grinning::+1:


Enaogh of all 3 things here :smile:

Anyhow, you are always welcome.


On the CBD. It works. It helps, some. But not magic.
I began with our aged dogs. Age Arthritis and cancers. 2-4 mg per 10 pounds of body weight daily.
Then I expanded out to myself.
Helps with the soft tissues’ arthritis. The bone-on-bone joints, no.
CBD even helps some with my short-term memory problems.
The brand supplier is very important.
And at the dosage levels for benefits (100-150mg daily) I want NO THC at all. And I want no added boosters, or relaxants added of anything else either. To get the refined narrow spectrum CBD to get that does drive up the cost.
Slow release sealed encapsulated capsules the best route for internal-out benefits.

Sorry. I think the rub-on’s are a placebo-effect, joke.
And lung tissue is what you what to life-long protect. Smokers, inhalers, vapers are stupid, stupid. Dumb-dumb you falling into others, spin-you crappola.
You never see old, old firemen.
Steve Unruh


For sure. Its an excelent medidine. Got a friend who is making the stuff and has cured many. Many times terminal ilnesses. Im just saying, like any drug, sinthetic or natural, it shuldnt be abused.

As far as l know, best way to apply it most efficiantly is analy. Unfortunaly :smile: people here mix the oil with butter and form capsules wich they then insert where the sun dont shine. Butter melts and since cbd is disolved in fat, it slowly releases trugh the intestine.


I agree with everything SteveU said. Being old I of course have multiple sources of joint pain. When it comes to visit I renew my friendship with the CBD. Pot has been legal for some years in this state now. Two of my sons are big supporters of that economy. Of course they were before it was legal as well. They are idiots anyway so I can’t really tell if it has had much of a negative effect on them.


Gross as it sounds, i have heard that anal, is they only way too addminister some medicine, too be effective enough too work., What all problems you have heard that cbd oil cured. Or is there any schience papers saying how cbd oil is helpimg the body heal.


Joep, are you traveling to Bosnia via our places?

Yes there are a lot of sciencetific papers Kevin. I dont have any to link as luckly l hadnt yet had to use it medicinaly, but l have heared a lot of good about it.

Most incredible healing l saw was on a 90sh year old lady with skin cancer open wound on her arm. Upon frequent application of the resin diluted in neutral skin cream, all that was left of a 3" cancerous open wound was a nice healthy pink scar.

Edit: this case l saw in person, or at least my friend showed me pictures of the treatment he did on the old lady.


OK thanks kristjan, i typed in what i ask and i did find quite a lot of research testing, and the caniboids seem too have a vast areas of helping healing processes, from its ingreadiance.

Well if you come and visit us in Washington state you can buy some weed that will put you down smiling, and it is legal to buy. No thank you from me. Yup you are right a beer is good enough for me.

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No, not Bosnia. Croatia. And I am the taxidriver again. Big group we are and no reservations. Just got disappointed in Split, now Trogir. I dont get involved in the discussions, you cant shoot the driver. :grinning::grinning:

Interesting, the medicines. My wife suffers from reuma/atritus and we tried it a few years ago. Didnt know you needed id nowadays. Shop was almost closed. Kept banging the door until they opened. Ordered some and went back home. I think we smoked it 100%, no tabacco. Just rolled in a napkin. Man I got blown away and I felt again why I dont like it. It just messes up your brain. Not for me. A beer is ok


05.30 when I go and let the sheep out, is autumn coming?


Very nice picture Jan. Around the solstice it was light here at 5:30. We are now steadily losing light on both ends of the day now. Loss of daylight is the thing I most dislike about winter. We go from about 17 hours summer peak to about 8 by the end of December.