Life goes on - Summer 2022

I live in Sweden, we can’t do anything without everything being tested so we don’t release anything harmful.
But i think mostly it’s because we shouldn’t do anything ourselves, but buy everything so we can pay tax.


Jan, if you don’t tell - no one will ever know and no one will be bothered. In my opinion that’s the beauty of our system. We don’t have inspectors, tax-men or whatever running around our houses, like many other countries, if we don’t tell them to.


The problem is, if you don’t have a cimny sweeper, the insurance may not apply if it catches fire.


I dont live in Sweden, JO can better answer. But over here the sweper sweeps, that s all. If you can show the ticket to the insurance company there is no problem. In Germany the sweeper also checks the burner, I have heard, I dont really know. In that case you would have a problem when diy. I do it the same way as JO, dont tell if you are not asked.

Really nice cooker btw, and a nice price?


Our insurance goes up significantly if you heat with wood indoors. The outdoor wood boiling furnaces became popular here because it is not attached to the house and your home insurance doesn’t go up. You also aren’t required to insure sheds for mortgage purposes. Without those advantages. I don’t think they would become popular.


I sweep my own chimney, but I talked to an inspector who investigate fire accidents for insurance companies once. He told me he never heard of anyone being denied insurance compensation unless someone set their house on fire on purpose. He had been doing that work for almost 30 years.

As far as I know insurance companies never ask how our houses are heated. Only square meters and how many buildings and their purpose.


It looks like you are in God’s Creation Chruch to me. Nice place the meditate on the things above.


Saw this Robert Murry-Smith video. Bio-diesel rocket stove. I have mentioned and shown my fuel wood dryer that uses a rocket stove to heat the drying drum. It works great but because the rocket stove needs to be refueled about every half hour you can’t get too far away from it. The waste oil burner he set up he has in this video would solve that draw back. Yes I know, his gasifier sucked.


If you don’t tell… that is how I handle my insurance company with my vehicles, mainly one of them.
I have it insured and DOW with it. No need for them any more, it runs on gasoline. The laws of man is to make more monies in their pockets for the most part. Thats main purpose of the laws that are made. I look at these laws as kinda guide lines for us all any ways. They were never spoken by God from the mountain and written in stone like God’s laws were.


Ahh, yes Insurances.

Was once a common battle between the Wife and I.
Our 29th anniversary later this month.
Before marriage I only had one mandatory insurance. Auto.
After marriage they have over the course of the years multiplied like rabbits.
Some are also now mandatory related to her Nursing profession.
Most are fears driven. Her fears.
I have said we will just take the loss. Recover and move on. I have said previously we could put the same amount aside annually and in 10 years cash pay with discounts for major needs. True.

Also true here they do inspect for home heating systems certifications post claim.
They do keep adding more dogs breeds to their no-covered home owners list.
Annual notification of new exceptions to coverages sent to us. Oh, pay more now to cover for that.
Also true once we were demanded an every few years insurance pre-inspection then put on cancellation notice for having a fully approved certified, permitted inspected in house wood stove. They said we did not disclose it. They lied.
True my wife’s parents gifted then her paying monthly for a loss-of-ability-to-work accident insurance; she payed into for decades; did refuse to pay her come the time and need.
Her torn blood vessel leg injury transferring a client was ruled by them as an “incident” not an accident. She would have had to say her leg was hit, assaulted. Lie.

We are still married because I stopped trying to convince her to separate out mandatories; from fears-driven “needs”. Peace? Some yes.

I stopped paying for “needs” insurances in 2007-08.
She must pay for her fears since then. She still works to pay these: her fears insurances, hair dresser, shopping, excessive owning/possessing; and personal services driven up taxes.

I spend out since 2007-08 only for real in-hand Assurances since then. Ways to keep power flowing. Vehicle running. Fully self-recovery tooled up. Vehicles. Home. Away from home.
Personal securities. This is much more interesting, personally rewarding, and even fun.

Hear this, “I have Insurance now, so I am safe.” and know that person is lost. Abrogated their self-responsibility.

Woodgas: one of the greatest Divorce makers I’ve encountered. So occasionally. Stop. Look. and really, really Listen. Forget saving the world. Save your marriage.
Steve unruh


the best insurance one can ever have is to beliefe in god, revelated in jesus christ, following his commandments and love him…so we became brothers, sisters, friends and children of god…what could be better and safe? …and additional the word would become better…
i know there are ostacles because of churches, congregations and their selfish “spiritual leaders”…but one must go deeper, search , and god gives you the possibility to find the truth…
but what will someone ever find when is never searching?
all the best in name of jesus christ
ciao giorgio


I also sweep my chimney myself, I took a course for it about 40 years ago to be able to do this, but the fire protection inspection is done by the inspectors every 3 years, it must be done according to the law (2003:778).
I don’t think it’s something I don’t want to have done, I would probably feel sad if someone was burned inside because I didn’t follow the law and did something wrong.


Helped a friend harvesting winegrapes yesterday. The vines are full this year.

The father of the owner built him self an actual mediaval castle. Quute impresive.


“These are the times that try men’s souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” Thomas Paine. 1775.

We are in for a very hard stretch ahead in the coming months. No conspiracy theory to blame. If you need gasoline to run your generator get it now. Fill your pantry. Even the next few months will be off the rails.


Hey @Norman89 where did you buy some of your burn tube material? Tried searching around the forum and couldn’t find the link you had put out. Trying to get something big enough diameter with a thick enough wall for a chunker.

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I used a used brake drum off a semi truck for my chunkier. Find one without stress cracks inside the drum. Have plenty of cut off wheels on hand. :thinking:


If I had access to that I definitely would. Biggest drum I have is from a dually Chevy truck about 9" inside diameter and probably a half inch thick.

Might just make a disc chunker, my Lowes sells 12x12x1/4" plates now.

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I got the burn tube for the dodge from a local steel supply outfit, was a cutoff scrap they had laying around


Are brake drums cast iron? Or are they something else? It seems like cast iron would crack under the stress of a chunker.

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They’re cast iron. Steel plate rotors warp from the heat.