Life goes on - Winter 2023

never more living without goats…(mahatma ghandi)


tone, probably the first disciple in woodgas in your area?
we remember always the video where your neighbour inspects your tractor…
couriosity let him always go near to the gasifier, but in the next moment he wents back…
not shure if the gasifier - maybee- can explode…


This morning, when i drove to work, i enjoyed the nature, the trees heavy with snow, a pale winter sun made the trees “sparkle” some, well, snow can be beautiful sometimes.
Then it hit me: i should have snapped a pic, or better, a film. Well, to late, i filmed on my way home instead, not as beautiful as in the morning, but still a “cosy” feeling.


All you guys driving pictures scare me. Looks like your going 80mph. Don’t be such a blabbermouth Goran.


I love it when the roads look like that. And that’s just the right amount of traffic as well.


Hi Tom, 80km/h is more correct :smiley:


Yes, this is my favourite road :smiley: not any traffic, and driving on hard packed snow is like driving on cotton.


O.K. Maybe an interest then in this new put up video:

My actual use exprences matched his ending conclusions.
I’ve used cable-chains (his WalMart ladder chains); actual chain-chains (full profile and low profile “S” types). Prefer true winter soft rubber no-studs tires. Wife insists on real metal studded true winter tires.
As he said the best winter tire choices are the best use option for the inevitable in and out ice; softening packed snow to bare-wet we always get here. After 1-2 time off and on to go 25 miles, you will be leaving them off until stuck.
One set of cheapest cable-chains kept in every primary vehicle for the “you Must have traction devices to proceed” dictated when over passes and river roads traveling here.


The lessons I’ve learned is to have separate dedicated winter tires and wheels to save the tires beads wear&tear, and expenses of bi-annual tires mounting and re-mounting.
And DO size select to get some wheel arch clearances to put cable, or chain-chains on and off:

17" steel wheels with 65 series instead of the factory 18" aluminum’s with 60 series.
![Photo on 12-12-23 at 8.22 AM|690x460]
My Toyota still a bit tight. Older 14" wheels have the wrong offset and holes spacing:

My guard rail rubbed side now with character.

Freezing fog this morning. Fine O.K. on the county tar and gravel “chipped sealed” roads. Can be slick as hell on the state and interstate true smooth asphalt (macadam?) roads.

Wheels like good stout useable practical foot wear is very much, “Pretty Is; as pretty does (NOT)”
Most of my own family choose to stay pretty and dis-abled, unsafe.


THAT some nice thick woods out your way-HOW far are you from nearest good size town,ware do you work way out there,maybe a sawmill and then you would have more wood than you have time to burn up in the truck.?/ THANKS FOR THE RIDE.


THANKS for the ride WAYNE K, I like your alibama weather all winter- though your hot summer month or two or three i might need an ice coat to survive. THAT v10 must really like wood or your slowing down on driving the fast little dakotas with the 318 motors–Do you have a 360 dakota i cant remember seeing one you had for sure.


Hello Kevin .

Yes I had a 360 dakota but decided not to gasifie it and ended up trading it off .


Two Advent candles, :+1:


Thanks Kevin, well this is my favourite short-cut road to work, only 30km (the “normal” , paved road is 40km, and a lot of traffic) i work at a car repair shop in a small town (4000 citizens).
I live in the middle of the forest, small village 300 citizens.


Today felt like April. 42F and sunny. We are snowless. It’s amazing how much easier life is without snow. Doesn’t happen often here. El Nino I guess. Except for maybe swimming, which I don’t do much of anymore because who want’s to see some old guys bony, fish belly white, legs, I like it between 30 and 50F. Could stay there all year as far as I’m concerned. No sweat, no bugs and makes a nice hot cup of coffee a real reward when you take a break.


Wow, I guess we can just throw away our generators…


Looks like they are expanding John Bedini’s work.


Hey BruceJ.
I am pretty sure you have done this . . .
ALL switch to viewing on Youtube.
Then bring up the sponsoring channel and view their other video submissions.
A new channel with the oldest submission just 8 days ago.
Glossing over the ooh-wow tech I searched for the Pay-In Now link . . .
It is here:

So more that just throwing away out our personal electrical power generators we are suppose to set aside our own personal efforts and throw our support behind the self-declared Know-Betters of our modern world. With all of their Causes and Agenda’s.

Nope.Nope. And Nope.
I can see my trees growing knowing they are storing sun-solar energy. Giving all of their multiple benefits to the whole environment and all of its critters.
With me able to annual harvest a percentage of the annual growth-converted storage for my own uses of energy, building materials. And even foods and medicines.
I guess I am just too simplest; See-Doo, basic. Plant more trees, everywhere, possible.
Those free found “cheese” and $20. bill’s laying free, always have too many strings attached.
Steve Unruh


Sorry Steve,
I should have included how absolutely hilarious the video was. Only ChatGPT4 could have come up with all those meaningless buzzwords! I am fairly certain it was a propaganda fantasy. I posted the link to the wood gas group because, of all people, this bunch of guys knows there is no free lunch, no fuelless generator.
I didn’t figure you’d get seriously triggered. And you didn’t, as you only wrote a couple of paragraphs in response. It would have been a several page diatribe had you really had your bell rang.
To your point, listen to Doomberg’s podcasts about energy financials. He makes your point and more. A true voice of sanity, in a world full of climate elitists, who hate you, and want you to die.


Oh thanks Bruce!! Now I am going to waste the rest of the weekend trying to figure out what they are doing and it is 80 patents!! And TBH out of all the “free energy” crap I have looked at over the years, the magnet ones seem the most plausible like the Magnetic Motor. Namely because while I understand the basics of magnetism, I can’t visualize the field interactions in more complicated systems.

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