My first small engine run

Hello Fellow Gassers,
I’ve started work on my new pressure relief lid. I found an old top cut out from the same style tank so the curves match up great(pic 1). There is a 3/4" overlap (pic 2), plenty of room for a gasket (s), one on the hopper and a mating one on the lid. Both will use Dan Cox’s high temp silicone impregnation method. Dan uses a different substrate, but, I’m trying this stuff. Pic 3 shows a beveled edge so that condensate will hopefully flow down the dome rather than drip back onto the fuel as it did in my last lid assembly. Pic 4. I ended up cutting this 8" d neck get to Pic 1 configuration.
The next 4 pics show how I made my condensate channel from layout to forming the channel to the finished channel. The old dome lid will be gasketed and clamped in place instead of welded. Last, the unit drains continuously, but can be emptied while operating. Close valve, unscrew PVC tube, empty tube and screw back on, open valve. I could put a boiler drain on the bottom of the PVC tube.
Coming soon, the lid seal and operating mechanism.

Wow Pepe, nice work doing,…

Hi All,
I got my lid seal started and it went well.
Pic 1 I skim coated the board to help hold things in place while I smeared a full coat on.
Pic 2 Gasket fully impregnated. This will be cut in half for 2 gaskets. one for the lid, one for the dome.
Pic 3 I set the gasket to the outside edge.
Pic 4 I set the dome gasket to the line drawn to the outside of the lid.
Pic 5 I put a layer of waxed paper on the dome and set the lid on premarked index marks. When it was set I gently but firmly pulled the lid up. It held on and then popped off. OS, I thought, but the lid came clean off the dome and the remaining waxed paper peeled right off. Thanks for the tip, Dan.
I’ll add a couple more smoothing layers of silicone, then onto the hinge/latch mechanism. The old gas shutoff will be removed.

EDIT: I scrapped this method and followed Dan Cox’s method. I used an 18" square piece of fiberglas mat and will cut my circular gaskets from it. I also made some small rectangular gaskets to use on my interface connections.

Hi Pepe; Your gasket sheet is looking good and thanks for the Acolades. When I was new on this site not so long ago I received help from many others including yourself. I said at the time that someday maybe I could contribute back to everyone as my experience grew. Makes me feel good to know that I am able to help out with something useful. Thanks to you and all on DOW that shared their knowledge with me. I am working on a new Ejector that won’t need compressed air and hopefully work very well. I will share here and on Youtube when done. Dan

Hi Dan and All, The spirit of sharing here is such a positive experience, a real connection and quite uplifting.
Here’s a few pics of some finished gaskets. Pic 1 the layout compass. I used a T-pin for a center pivot(1/16" d), and a Sharpie pen to draw the circles. The Sharpie bib fits a 7/32" hole just tight. Pic 2 I laid out all the gaskets I needed (the hatched areas) Note all the radii holes drilled in the paint stick… Pic 3 These metal cutting shears cut this stuff like paper. Blades are replaceable. Pic 4 Hopper dome to hopper body flange. Pic 5 The lineup, 3 of the 5 will be used here. Pic 6 The gasket was glued to the under side of the lid with a thin coat of high temp red RTV and left to set. I drew 2 sets of positioning marks on the lid and dome. This is where the gasket was formed, this is where it should stay for the best fit. The lid feels solidly sealed with just its own weight. I’m encouraged. Pepe

Hey everybody,
I finally made the cyclone to cooler interface. I used some obtanium weightliftium ($6 tag sale) and extracted 6 Lf each of 2" and 1 1/2" square tubing. Progress has been like a guy running in slo mo in a dream, lol! Tomorrow I’ll work on the pressure lid hinge and latch assembly. I’m hoping to finally fire it up this weekend. Whoops, lost tomorrow, I have to go to the burg. Drat. Maybe Monday or so.

Hey Gasifier Enthusiasts,
Last weekend I attended a pork roast and got a lead on high temp thermometers from the roaster, who built the smoker/roaster on a model T Ford frame. Best pork I’ve ever tasted, took 16 hrs to finish. Yeah, they fired up around midnite for dinner the next day.
I got them at Lowe’s. The roaster said he got his at Walmart. Here’s a good look at them. Now I can get an idea of the temperature and efficiency of my cooler, can’t wait. The unit measures to 700 degrees Fahrenheit. The probe is 1 1/4" long with a 1/8"base with 3/8" of 5/16" x 18 threads, perfect for my 2" square tube. I need to get a third one to see what the temp is straight out of the burner shell, then the one just before the cooler will tell me the temp drop through the cyclone/preheat shroud. One in the SPAI manifold would tell me temp increase above ambient and tell me how much heat the incoming air is pulling from the cyclone. Guess I need several more probes.
Lid time, lol.

Hey Folks,
I installed some thermometers in the gas stream today. I drilled a hole, welded a nut over it and screwed the thermometer in. The thermometer in the SPAI will show the temp increase (from ambient) as the inlet air picks up heat from the cyclone.
The gas temp exiting the cyclone is essentially the temp of the gas entering the cooling stream.
The thermometer at the end of the cooling stream will tell me the temp change through the cooler.
Still fiddling with the lid seals and latch.

Hey Everyone,
Here’s my lid and latch assembly. I still have to fine tune the sealing. After the silicone sets from gluing the 2 gaskets to the metal, I will spread a thin layer of silicone on one of them, spread oil on the other and loosely clamp it shut until it sets. That should fill in any irregularities for a complete seal. It’s time consuming because I allow 48 hrs for a complete set of the silicone. Meanwhile I’ll chunk fuel.

Hi All,
I did some fuel prep for the big day.
I finally finished my hearth and cooler and set my unit up on a 4’x4’ pallet. Decent footprint. Here are a couple of my new vids, complete with another flashback and ??? reaction, lol. Part 1 5m 20s, is a walk around my setup. Part 2 6m 53 secs, is the start up and run with temp monitoring.
I’m quite pleased with the high quality gas and the efficiency of my new cooler. Well worth the effort. I’ll be working on a valving system around the vac, so I don’t have to pull hoses apart and interrupt the engine start procedure.
This is the best gas I have produced.
Arvid, I love the vacuum cleaner for starting.
Matt, So far that gasket material seems to be working OK.
Dan, Your gaskets seem to be working OK, as well.
All time savers, Thank you.

     Part 1 Oct 16, 2013

     Part 2 Oct 16, 2013

Thanks Pepe, Enjoyed the videos !


Very nice Richard.
Now is it one more step to making some electricity from you gasifier and engine.
Then comes the 75 % learning to operate, observe, smell and listen to the system.
All great fun :slight_smile:

Have fun

Ha! Ha! See, Pepe I am not the only one crazy operating by senses and feel!
PatrickJ I use taste too. Just be super careful with the hopper juice. Tiny, tiny bit on the tip of the tongue as it will leave a cell killed dead spot until cell regrowth replacement ~3 days for me. Why it is such a good bug killer.

Hi Patrick,
Thanks for commenting. I’ve fiddled around for several years now from Fema, fluidyne and present imbert style with hour glass hearth. I finally have a design, albeit bulky, that is producing a nice clean gas. The temp drop incident was part of my 75% operator experience. I remember also hearing the engine backfire a couple of times minutes before the engine died. Now with this unit I can do more operating and less fabricating changes although I still have a few ideas to implement. More wasted heat use/ conservation of heat and after watching your videos an inner cone for my drain channel and a double shell for the hopper(good ideas) in my next design. Did I say less fabricating?? lol.
I lent out my great running old 5 hp BS generator and it got left out uncovered so when it came back I had to pull the head, free up valves, drain water out of sump, carb, fuel tank and lines, etc. Can’t wait to get it back on line. Been think about feeding exhaust into my SPAI (single port air inlet) preheat shroud, insulating certain areas and putting a fuel drying rack over/next to my cooler (it’s 7’ high now).
Yes, it is all fun and I’m determined to implement it all, Lord willing.

Hi Steve,
It took me a while to put the senses thing together, but I’m paying more attention to sights (smoke, flare color) and sounds for sure. I think it was you who first alerted me to the other 75% rule. I’ll be operating this unit a lot more in the coming months and sitting at the drawing board for a size wise more efficient/effective unit.

Hi Richard

Hi Patrick, I must say I like the double skin and conical lid for moisture collection. A simple water lock keeps it air tight. I will keep these in mind for my next build.
Pepe from DOW.

Thanks for the comment on my youtube video. Yes a water lock would be a great Idea just a few problems, when you have a puff back it may blow all the water out, and under load my hopper vacuumed is some times 2-3in , so it would have to be pretty deep.

Thanks for the idea

1 Like

Hi Patrick, The water trap I referred to was your drain tube going into the bucket of water. Not exactly a water trap but it keeps outside air at bay.
I saw an old design posted on this site somewhere that did have an actual trap in the bottom reservoir of the cooler assembly. Same blow out possible with that also. That idea needs some thought for sure. I’ll post it when I run across it again. It an interesting design and easier to fabricate than mine. Of course I found this way after I started my cooler. lol.

Hi Pepe
Sorry I thought you meant the seal on the lid of the hopper.
I saw a water lock on a large log gasifier in one of the youtube links posted in a thread here on DOW that was used for heating.
It’s a very good idea but as I said a lot of thought would have to go in to it.

That’s the beauty of this site, there are so many minds working on basically the same thing with different ideas evolving all the time !


Hi All,
Thought I’d post a design that Koen Van Looken posted in another forum. It is a linear flow design easier to build than mine and I will try it sometime down the road. For you guys just starting to think about coolers, give this design some serious consideration. Not convinced??? Check out how much more difficult my design is to build by perusing these pages, lol.

Here’s the other narrative as an explanation.
Hi Koen,
I blew up your photo, the cooler part, so people could see the simplicity of the linear flow design compared to the one I built. Hot gas meets cooler water and more water condenses out. The s-trap keeps the water level constant as any water in the base higher than the top of the “S” will automatically drain out. The metal chamber separations force the hot gas to take the path of least resistance which is through the pipes forcing the linear flow insuring maximum contact with the radiating surfaces. My linear flow cools very well, but my design is much more complex to build and a bit more involved to drain. The setup for the S-trap requires some thought as far as accommodating the height is concerned, but not difficult. Also need to be able to bring water level up if necessary.
The linear flow is more efficient by far than the 2, 3, 4 or more pipes all down then 2, 3, 4 pipes all up as the flow in these cases is not consistent in each pipe therefore cooling capacity efficiency is lowered.
Hope this helps.

while i’m not disagreeing with you, linear may well be better… I have found with our little unit the only time the top of our cooler gets hot (all thing being relative, can always hold it with out burning yourself) is when I’m pulling on it with our shop vac to get it started. With the engine running it’s just warm to the touch. and going by Max gasmans calculations of surface area i’m on the small side. I suspect the cyclone and piping to the final filter as well as the filter itself all add to the coolers numbers.