Videos not necessary wood gas related

What as your interest here Cody? I used to love stuff like this. Probably watched a hundred hours of dyno pulls testing performance enhancements, header designs ect. All interesting but never worth the extra expense for the average person.


I just think there’s a lot to be learned for woodgas stuff from exhaust plumbing theory.

The video shows with a 90 degree bend you’re not getting true full diameter flow because it’s turning that corner too hard.


It is all based on physics fluid mechanics with a subset of Computational Fluid Dynamics.

The last time I looked was like 30 years ago and it was all text based stuff. :slight_smile:
However, apparently there is a FreeCAD workbench for it.


I definitely need to learn FreeCAD. The learning curve seems steep but it does anything a paid CAD program can do. People will turn their nose to it just because of the user interface.

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The latest version is slightly better for the ui. People so use it professionally now. They have a couple of nice presenters on YouTube and tutorial for working through stuff. TBH, I doubt anyone knows everything about it. You just need to learn the parts you need. It isn’t always simple but it will be a handy tool for years to come.
The basics haven’t really changed.


the way our policy under Obama was trying to work it out, was simpler. It was once you drive the prices down to competitive with ff then the market will change to the lower cost solution. If the renewable tech has a 7 year payback, then it is competitive with stock market investments. But if that money is reinvested. Then the amount of RE is doubled every seven years.

The trick is being patient and nudging the market so it does become at or below lowest cost. Then it costs nothing more then is already being spent.

But the far left is trying to drive it down people’s throats with scare tactics trying to push their socialist/communist agenda.

Which the temperatures are rising, but i am not convinced it is just FF use and i don’t think the far left cares


A lot of people in the US are eager to try the latest gadget, but fortunately there are a lot of stubborn people who simply do not like change and then there are many non-conformist, I suspect especially among our group, which help to provide a stabilizing effect in our crazy world.


Do there seem to be less hours in a day? Seems like that to me but I thought it was just from being old. Some interesting thoughts in this video. I have always thought that the Hopi Possessed a deeper understanding of this world.


Tom, I am half way and time to sleep. So far it sounds like the things my wife is involved in. Tomorrow is a new day


Most of what the Hopi’s are saying is just great general advice. I suspect they have been around a lot longer then archeologists imagine as well.


It is very interesting that the native American tribs, and other tribs in Canada have some Hebrew back ground in them. In their writings and speaking of words. Many tribs believe in the great Spirit Creator.
The YEHOVAH God took the 10 tribs of the northern house of Israel and removed the from the promised land to the whole earth. Some of them ended up in the northern part of this continent.
It is funny how the Smithsonian Institute have one of many stones writing on display of some native American writings for years. Then a person came a looked at it that could read Hebrew. They had the stone upside down. When he showed them it was ancient Hebrew writes the head of Smithsonian Institute said it must be a forgery and removed it. They dug it up put their authorization on it and then said it was a forgery?
What it says in the Old Testimonials of the prophets in the Bible is true. The rocks are crying out like Yeshua said, and the little god of this world doesn’t like it.


Alright i find this person fairly funny most of the time so i will share


Most Women marry Men just knowing they can change them. (water can change a rock)
Most Men marry Women hoping they will never change. (aging ignores no one)
And so; they are both wrong.

Be the exception. Versus being one of the Most.
And that will make you exceptional.


I’m putting this one here instead of “Having Fun With Small IC Engines”.
Good points from this PV solar guy that a PV system will need supplemental generation.
Summer for heavy loads.
Winter for low/none solar days

Watch. Listen carefully. And think about it. He comments about his StarLink system (side of screen shown) towards the end.
Steve Unruh


Hi All
I am putting this up here instead of on JanA’s topic, him complaining of engine ticking noise. I hear a hydraulic valve lash problem it not able to take-up the wear gap.
Sure. Clean up internally with oil changes as you can man. Might help. Might not. Might even make other than wear noises sound off. Then just live with it. Like the character and old set of leather boots assume. Only reluctantly replacing when you absolutely must:

The old R.H. one now worn down through the durable urethane surface into the inner foam. Wear now goes fast-fast.
Hope JanA. your ticky-ticky gap problem is not the hard surface of cam lobe or roller-lifter worn through. Time will tell you this soon now.

Even the the most simple reliable systems will develop thousands of hours in-use problems eventually needing fixing. And tearing in to fix the found “obvious” you will fine more can use repairing. Why to only tear into when you abolutlty must and then have a deep wallet saved up:

Yep. Yep. On the low cars you off-wheels&tires and jack stand to get them UP to save your back working height.
On most pickup trucks you off-wheels and tires and double floor jack to get them DOWN to a back-saving better working height.


I have changed the oil 2 times and had detergent and wynn’s hydraulic valve fix 2 times, switched to semi-synthetic now and had a bottle of wynn’s, will go for a while now to see if it cleans the lifters, I think it is tight due to soot from the unit, before the new filter.


Now fellows here is an earful video for you.
Matches my personal experiences for the last 10 years I worked.

Difference was I then did home-garage and shade tree timing belt changes and cylinders head restores. Actually real yard and garden working. Handyman general working.
Not having to be tied to a commercial Shops or Dealerships “systems” I was able to then pick and choose my jobs carefully.
No longer having to spend out 20% of my take home pay in an endless game of tools buying keep-up.
Spend 10% of my waking hours DAILY in reading and studying newer Tech systems.

With your own personal cars do the same and be very, very pragmatic picky.
personal lusting for the newer bright and shiny, make-me-happy vehicle is a Joy of Life-killer. Get smart. Be smart to free yourself. Free - It’s Yours!; and/or Easy-Buy are the luring traps:

No worries if you step out and away from the buy-new crowd. Be plenty of others feeding new to become pre-owned practicals to use.



Thanks Mr Steve. Just watched this video

And now a little closer to morgage free :grinning:. And completely free after three re-incarnations.

About the cars. We seldom by new, but now with the EV’s and tax refunds we bought our second within 5 years and almost no loan. Good sell on the first one and second one priced down almost 20 %, still no road tax and with PV no fuel (or very little) costs. Go with the flow and take a bargain if you get the chance. It is quite a free ride , I love it for as long as it lasts.

Montly payment is down from €400 to under €300. Average in America is $750? Auw, that hurts.

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It depends on interest rates. Sometimes it is better to finance and use the money for other investments. A lot of people arent that disciplined so paying it off is the best option.

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