Goran, I like your fingers the most, I’m glad I’m not the only one who can never wash his hands.
Hi Tone, yes my hands never get clean, maybe if i should be hospitalized for a month or so, a new layer of skin should look nice and clean.
Or: for special occasions, i have an old bucket of special hand -cleaner, especially made for the newspaper printing industry, to clean of ink, don’t use it often, it makes me run around, wawing my hands and scream, (must be a sight?) It’s made in the 60’s and actually claims to be “caring” for your hands? Im pretty sure it’s just some kind of acid that removes the dirty upper layer of skin
Anyway it’s the only thing that washes tar, permatex gasket, pitch, and that thick rust protection slurry used under cars, from my hands.
The only time l have “clean” hands is the day after slaughter day when l knead sausage mix
It’s called an immune system for a reason, may as well put it to work! My wife harps on me all the time, pick up a sandwich take a bite and set it down
“I can see your finger prints on the sandwich!” Well I don’t get sick all to often soooo?
ash water is good for cleaning hands… half a bucket with wood ash , filled up with water and let it stand for some days…than the water is like soap. but let the hands not so long inside, it is strong…
ciao giorgio
Giorgio the ash water contains lye, when fats and oils contact it makes the soap!
Thanks for the tips, yeah ive read about lye from ash, has not tested it, but have some old recipes to make it to actual, hard, soap that i want to try sometime.
About dirty hands: im not allowed to touch our cheese at home, not even go get it from the refrigerator, wife cuts it up for me…
Hardwoods make more lye
You can take a plastic bucket with holes drilled and filled with hay in the bottom, then the rest with wood ash. Pour water over it and collect what runs out. Repeated pour the lyewater back over the ashes. You can boil it down to increase concentration.
Yes i’ve read about that here in Sweden birch ash was the most used, the birchwood was left to almost rot before it was burned to ash, it was also burned wet, to get more ash.
I have always used Gojo. Works for me. I saw Jacob’s hands toward the end of his trip. May have required the nuclear option.
Pumice soap like gojo is a life saver. Especially when you handled stinky nasty gear oil.
Clorox works good for me . I keep a little bottle in the back of my Sunday truck.
Not allowed to touch the cheese? Oh man, that’s fightin words in this house…
Here is a great tip that I seldom remember to do: Scrape your finger nails on a bar of soap before starting a dirty hands on project. It works great IF you remember to do it. I have an old bar of soap somewhere on top of my rolling mechanic’s tool box, but it is covered up with rags etc. so I am my typing this with filthy finger nails.
I usually get blamed for cutting the cheese here too.
I use Dawn Dishsoap as a Gojo saver. I use it in all of my fancy looking dollar store soap dispensers. You can cut it with water to get it to go through easier or if you have like a lot of guests or kids that use the bathroom and wash their hands because most of the time you only need like a drop. But pre-washing with dawn, then you don’t need as much gojo, or any, and it keeps the gojo bottle from getting all nasty looking.
göran, besides hands cleaning…what is happened with your motorcycle???
i have tried on my mower two weeks ago a cloth filter over the mesh… it was difficult to start, and when the engine runs it chokes the motor too much. the cloth was from my pyjama, one leg, so it was just ready without sewing, but i think the holes in the cloth were too fine…
the others use all bath towel, shure a difference…
maybee your curtain filter restricts too much?
ciao giorgio
No fair Don. You beat me to it.
Hi Giorgio, sorry i haven’t post so much about the moped, but here’s an update: i have run it 2 times, it runs nice and fairly easy to start, but needs some fine tuning, advance the timing, mounting a battery for the start-up fan, an a water-drip, i guess the curtain filter is a little to restrictive to, but it idles nice, so time will tell.
Im just into making my first video about it, just need some time (and more sorted and grinded charcoal) anyways the moped runs fine but looses speed very much when road goes uphill, guess it’s most a timing problem, can see how the exhaust pipe gets VERY hot when running on chargas, i’ve heard these chinese engines have very retarded timing as standard, because they are popular in countries with low octane/ bad gasoline. Going to update more when time is on my side