Woodrunner chevy

I’ve been zapped by 90s GM coils, early 2000s Honda coils. Not fun. Almost got zapped by the Mazda and my wrench.
I’m definitely averse to angry pixies trapped in a rubber hose. AC I’m scared to death of.


I’ve tested it on two wheels too… on a moped, realized the throttle cable was frozen,(got stuck in wot) no brakes ofcourse, reached down to pull the wire boot from the plug to decrease the speed some, i realized the boot was cracked, ended in the ditch…


Yeah it can shake you pretty good, i’ve got shocked so many times people tell me im probably immune :laughing:
Ignition systems, electric fences, in house 240vac, capacitors, worst of all: i tinkered around with those cascade step-up’s from old television sets, if i remember correctly i managed drill them open, and connect 3 in series, what i forgot is they holding a good jolt for some time, that bang almost got me passed out, i bit of a tooth in the convulsion, and wife told me i was pale as a ghost, she understand that i shocked myself and forbid me to play with that stuff…almost 75000 volts…


Hello Goran and Cody .

A little off topic but I would like to share this .

While in high school I had an old car ( 59 ford ) that I ran an insulated wire from a spark plug and routed it up just under the passengers seat cover with a switch I could activate unnoticed.

Riding with a passenger ( usually one of my football player buddies bumming a ride home ) I would flip the switch and when it bite him in the ass the first response was to go for the door handle ( GROUNDED ) circuit complete :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


Mr Wayne, l see me and JO got the lighter side of your prankster nature.after meeting you, I still look at empty boxes with caution and l stay the hell off of any rope held by a nother man :smile:


Just puttin’ up some pic’s of the “restoring”

The restriction plate, seem’s to hold up for some more driving, despite its warped and some scaling, i cant find any cracks,
i made it from a piece of Hardox steel.

The sheet-metal ring is going to be re-welded, i put it there to help the ash-seal stay in place.

Here’s the base for the gasifier, square tubing across the truck frame, other side (right side) it’s the base for the filter.

Trying the outer drum in place, to marking for attachment point’s.

The tangential inlet to filter, im going to test-fit the crossover pipe before fitting/welding the gasifier.


Got some time to clean up the restriction plate, found no cracks so im going to “torture” it some more.
The ring act’s as a fence for the ash-cone to keep the ash-seal stay around the edge, it had came loose, so i try some cuts in a zig-zag pattern to help it follow the heat expansion.

I’ve also put the welds closer to each other, and even welded the inner side.

Time will tell if it holds up, im thinking about putting one more ring, a little higher than this, about an inch on the inside of this one?


göran, do you know how much “holes” have the filter material on a square centimeter?
ciao giorgio


Hi Giorgio, im little unsure about that, you mean the mesh i ordered right?
It was classified as “200mesh” but very bad translation/description from china.
I haven’t got it yet so it’s a bit of “gambling”.
I will post to you more info when i got it, or find the description (wife helped me with buying/ordering)
It comes to mind anyways the thread size was: 0,08 mm?edit: 200 mesh, wire diameter 0,041mm
Opening square 0,086mm
Total open area 46,2%

mesh Number Inches Microns Millimetres
200 0.0029 74 0.074

Not much progress today, had to cut out the gasifier mount, with the new shell the gasifier is a little wider.

To lazy to pull out the plasma (old heavy one)
Then i got distracted along the way… :roll_eyes:
Weather is nice enough to rest in the garden.

Washing down the rust and dust after cutting.


thanks göran, i have bought yesterday a waterfilter for garden irrigation with drippers…there is nothing written how much mikron it has…so i counted the holes between a measuring stick-open one cm - with a fine needle…every hole so i can feel with the finger…
48 holes on 1 cm ,makes 2304 holes on a square centimeter…
gohin poulenc has had 500 holes on his security filter on square centimeter…with a bit oil on it…( swiss gengas book from tilman)
this waterfilter could be interesting as final filter, my thought, so my interest how much holes your ss net has on square centimeter…


Culd be wrong but l think mesh number is the number of holes in a square inch


It’s what i thought too, i looked around the net some, but can’t find exact results.
200mesh should mean: 200 “holes”/square inch?
It makes me feel i’ve ordered the wrong type, i must check the specifikations of the type i ordered, maybe i remember wrong, it wasnt 200mesh?

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I belive so. Dont be hard on your self thugh, sometimes even our American friends arent sure how their mesh and grain and guages and stuff work :smile:


Im pretty exited right now, to see what the ss-mesh looks like, and try to make a filter out of it.
It should arrive in the end of this month.
I belive if it is 200mesh it should be sufficient, it’s actually the soot-cake that takes care of 99% of the filtration.
When first using the welding blanket filter the water in the cooler looked “greyish” in the beginning, after some weeks use it was perfectly clear, it seems to prove the effect of the soot-cake separation.


Exactly. Its also why l am a bit sceptical. Since the mesh has no actual fibres on wich soot can cling on to (just smooth wires) the cake might fall down to much. Hope lm wrong thugh, in some applications this wuld be ideal.


200 mesh is pretty tight. 76 Microns like Chris Weber said. That’s enough when I’m screening vegetable oil for it to hold it back. Probably close to the micron of a modern window screen.

I’m sure that it’ll be plenty once it has a dry layer of soot on it.


Hmm google says its 74 microns so thats human hair size. Might just work…


You should ask Matt Ryder ( Thrive off grid ) he bought plenty of the stainless steel mesh for his units and stapled them into a great looking filters , he will know the size your after .
