Haha, not really to be honest
Not really that dramatic Jo,
Did some more improvements.
Mounted a heat-shield on this inspection lid, maybe it doesn’t get stuck so bad this time?
Drilled through hopper walls for the thermocouple. A little ss-sheet mounted with screw’s and red silicone for sealing.
Thermocouple on inside with a shield, open downside.
Winter Wonderland…i don’t know…
I was right yesterday when i felt a flu coming at me…feverish and generally grumpy today.
Did some work anyway.
Some sand to help seal the restriction plate.
Some ash to kick-start the insulation.
Charcoal well above the nozzles.
My last two bags of dry chunks.
Start-up blower has decided to give up during standing still. Wife helped me to get it to the workbench.
Will see if i change out the electrical motor, it’s only 1500rpm, and i want it a little higher for faster Start-up.
I wish you luck on your sickness. Three weeks ago it was the one child missing two days of school. Then the Wife for over a weekend. Then the second child missing one day of school.
Mine began Friday the 11th at a memorial service. I began prickly throat coughing and had to walk out. We all did check negative for Covid. Mines still very active.
You wife is willing to go into that workshop!? Must be true love.
Mine would say tie a rope to your waist so the Emergency Response folk can find you when I call them.
Steve unruh
Haha! Steve, your humor is improving
@Woodrunner, the older I get the more I realise there’s no point reorganizing things no longer. As soon as I try doing that I’m unable to remember where I stored things away. Better to have them “ready to go”
I call that " organized chaos"
It needs a genius to control chaos…
Thanks Steve, it’s the same around here, the flu’s just go around, around.
As for the workshop, if wife stumbles upon something…i get to know
Seems to be the opposite with me, i try to keep a little more order on things nowadays, but often the reorganizing ends up with the good-to-have stuff piles up in another corner…the good thing is some half-done projects see’s the light of day again
Yup I screwed up by just doing that. Now in my orgination of things , I am so disorginized trying remembering where some of my orginized stuff was placed by me. It is the madness that us all suffer I am sure when we clean up the shop and tools and stuff so we can be more productive. RIGHT?
@Woodrunner everything looks great, you will have it all running like new again on your gasifier truck when done. Looking forward to the first lighting up on this build.
@SteveUnruh It is the flu season here too, the grandchildren seem to get it frist and then try to pass it on.
Extra vitamin C.
I can’t tell you how glad I am that people can get occasionally under the weather again and it’s not the end of the world. Hope you all recover quickly. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Thank you all , really tired and having a bad cough today, but did a little tinkering on the blower, just boring you, i know.
The blower didn’t run because of a bearing got bad stuck, woodgas and tar has seeped in to the bearing, as the blower is on primary air, intake side of the gasifier, it gots alot of smoke and tar on shut-down the gasifier.
In this “adapter” between motor and blower housing i meant to put a axle-seal, it never got done, i guess i was in a hurry to get it up and running

Had to pull it apart to get to the bearing, secured the brushes to not damage them.
I don’t know what they where thinking when making this motor? I thought this was some kind of sleeve on the shaft, but it is stepped up in diameter after the bearing.
No way im going to pull the armature from the shaft, to get the bearing of that way. The step-up has to go…
Then i had to make up a bearing puller.
Finally something going my way, found a new bearing in my good-to-have supply.
Göran, even being down with a flu you get more done than I do on good day
Not boring at all Goran.
Ha ha, no JO, i think this restauration/repairing project has taken forever…
Are planning for inspection of the truck as well?
Yes, it ran out of yearly inspection, two remarks (2:or) last time i’ve inspected it, headligts and uneven rear brakes, this time i changed bearings and axle seals in the rear, the times before i’ve passed inspection by cleaning and “burning off” the axle oil in the soaked brake linings. This last inspection i did a serious repair, and then decided to do all the other repairs i’ve evaded for so long… 3years later it’s pretty much where we are now
Next boring update: test run the blower, it has never run that quiet, new bearings really needed.
New improvement, found a plastic furniture wheel that fit perfectly in the motor/blower adapter, turned a bigger hole in it, and fit an axle seal to protect the bearings in the future, this i supposed to do when building the blower the first time, but forgot to, just feeling lucky i’ve found the seal ring i saved for this.
A custom-made splash-guard for the electric motor.
Smeared the studs for the lid’s with some modern, “magic” ceramic anti-seize compound, but this has worked really well before.
Lid’s in place, maybe firing-up this weekend

Save all the repairs and improvements to the same time, they said…
It’s going to be fun, they said…

From what I am reading and seeing it looks like you are having fun.