Blizzard of 2017

Snowed in and loving it.


And here I was thinking 18 inches yesterday was bad… man that is alot of snow.

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Thanks for the pictures Mr. Pepe

That is snow big time . !! WOW!!!

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So that is where all our snow went this winter. We didn’t get that much all winter combined this year. There is still over another month we may, hope not.

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Richard pepe you guys really get the deep snow storms out youe way, last time i seen one that deep was when i worked at leer manufacturing back in 2002 or 3 makeing the foam headliners for GM vehicles. It was 11:00 pm at night when got outof work, we were told that only 8" of snow was on the horizon, instead it was 24" and drifting too 4+feet, made it half way home until the road got my sunbird in its whirlwind.Luckily a local snowmobiler stoped and took me too his house acrost the street, and it was cold there with his catiletic propane heater hanging in the hallway.


Hey Pepe,
We got the same amount of snow as you across the lake in Middlebury. Vergennes didn’t get much, though. Go figure.


Wow glad that one missed us completely. Mont real got hammered we got clear skies and extreme cold.

Man, the extreme cold I can do without. I grew up in Tupper with the same -25 to -35 F winters, can’t enjoy skiing in those temps.