Gasometer / Gas Holder

Because most appliances are too low consumption and constantly cycling to work directly off a gasifier. Plus they require very clean gas. The gasometer allows to pull rapid and high volume of gas for storage to supply the lower volumes needed for most appliances. In any case you would still need automation even if you could run directly of the gasifier you would need to fire the gasifier up, get a flare lit and then direct the gas the appliance at the right presure and volume.

I already have controls that can do all this.

To understand you must see the full picture. For an off grid system running on charcoal for electric power. You need charcoal right? Why waste energy in heat loss or create a complicated heating system to create charcoal and still lose a lot of energy?

The point of this is to also create charcoal for your charcoal generator for electric power while making gas for more efficient gas appliances. A daily allotment of charcoal production to sustain electric charging is just as much the goal as running these appliances on gas. The gas appliances reduce your electrical need and do so more efficiently. So now you have less charcoal you need to make. Less fuel as a whole you need to make, thus making going off grid with woodgas much more viable with the benefits of a charcoal stationary gasification unit.

Think about it. Say we are just running a hot water heater. If you use electric then you must convert the gas to electric right? How do we do that? We run a engine powered generator and we lose 75% of the gas energy potential in just that conversion. Now if you have a battery bank and AC inverter you have more losses. Then when the electric gets to the hot water heater what are we doing? Converting again from electric to heat!!! Why?? Kinda dumb when you can skip all that and just run that gas in a gas hot water heater; its a HUGE efficiency gain. It is time to break the mold!!

The cost for this entire system would cost less than a direct gasifier system counterpart that can only run an engine. We are no longer trying to build a complex high performance gasifier for engine fuel. It can be done much simpler and you are only building a simple gasometer that is basically taking the place of the filtering system as it is the filter. The automation cost is more than justified. Then you have the charcoal gasifier thats a no brainer. They are a fraction of the cost and far less complex, less maintenance, no tar etc.


If anyone can do it,it will be you Matt. Looking forward to more innovative ideas.


I agree with Matt here. Its what lm leaning towards also. I have HUGE amounts of potent pyrolisys gas thst l burn to dispose it every time l make a batch of charcoal. We talk Megawat hours… What a shame!

In winter, l have no use for the energy as my house is designed to utulise the heat of the woodstove to cook and warm water. The only electric consumers are a fridge and light bulbs, my actual electricity bill is 15$ a month plus connectiong costs.
But in the summer, when l also do most charcoaling, l dont need the stove anymore but l still need to cook and have hot water. This l need to take care of in the future


Well, we’ll “siphon” a little more, …
Some basic laws of hydraulics:
-Fluid is not compressible
-the liquid is not a rope or wire to be pulled
-liquid or gas can only be pushed
So if I draw another sketch of this situation, we see what pressure conditions are acting on the water … if anyone sees any additional force or pressure, please draw it.


Wrong picture. Fish is gone. :nerd_face:


The fish ended up in the oven with olive oil, then with potatoes and drizzled with wine in her stomach … because she laughed too much. :grinning::grinning:


I have no idea what you guys are talking about but I’m getting a kick out of it anyway. I’m about smart enough to weld a couple pieces of metal together. That’s about it.


You and me both Tom. Plus 20 characters.


Really excellent diagram picture Tone.
You show well a suction atmospheric weight pressure system.

However the original system of “Trumpe”? is using the weight and flowing energy of water.
Much more energy’s involved.
I am not supporting that system as DIY as here in the Pacific Northwest the government’s claim these levels of water flow as only for the Public needs.
DIY, individuals can play with small suction systems and m-ay-b-e a small Ram system if done quietly. Mums the word.
I have a 1st cousin who damned up a seasonal flow creek across his steep property. For fish. For later a mini-hydroelectric system. He could have Ram systemed water up to the house gardens.
This was visible from the County road. He was “diverting” for personal uses more than our allowed 10,000 gallons.
So would have been $10,000’s dollars to make the studies, to apply for proper permitting. With anyONE of the Public able to block it at the mandatory public hearings.
He breached his retaining dam and just lets it “naturally” flow again.

So same-same . . . water, air, woodgas. Stay small. Stay below the radar. And have fun. No fun at all fighting the For-The-Public-Good Beasts. Thier game. Thier rules.
Steve Unruh


Lesson, which is worth to learn.


Need to clarify here.
How do I push liquid up a straw to drink? I use suction which is drawning pulling a fluid by creating a vacuum on one end of the straw that is less then the atmospheric pressure in the glass of fluid. The atmospheric pressure is then pushing fluid up the straw until it runs out of fluid. Then the atmosphere is sucked up the straw. This causes the fluid to stop going up the straw unless more vacuum suction is applied and fluid.
I did not know drinking from a straw can be so complicated. Lol


Bob, you clarifyed that your self. The athmospheric pressure does the work. In a way you just alow it to flow. Like opening a valve.

Imagine this. Its the same thing, same pressure difference as in a glass of water. Water flows, but there is no suction.


Yes, atmospheric pressure is a working force and suction or vacuum work together in a siphon. If you applied continuous water movement at the suction end this is more of a power source entering in. It is then possible to raise the water higher then the inlet of the pipe. The water is being pushed. Not just being siphoned by action.
This is what is done in a stream.

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What can we add to the gas to give it a smell like NG or LP. This gas after it settles you can not smell it.


Onions that have gone bad.
But maybe after burning it. It might smell like Onion rings cooking. Need a smell no one like but after burning it still no one likes. Like rotten eggs.


Matt, l have been thinking about this too. Althugh my stove will exhaust in the chimney, still l need to play safe.

It may be possible to buy the odour comound. But l think it might be easyest for DIY to make hydrogen sulfide gas. Its simple. Just drizzle hydrocloric acid over iron sulfide, aka pyrite.
Problem is its poisonous. But then again, woodgas is even more :smile:




Sounds like the ice fisherman that angled a greased board down through the ice hole so that when the fish swam by and hit the board, they would slide up and then drop into the pail. :laughing:


Don that is a excellent example of how it all works. Except I think fish a smarter then we think. They would still need some bait nailed to the top of the board to get them to do the slide up the board and into the bucket. Lol

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That is because fish have way more GO than WHOA!