Have you considered adding a non return valve for the blower so that when your engine is running it is closed, but when you are starting the blower will open the valve? They make lightweight valves meant for PVC pipe that uses a rubber flap.
You could also fabricate one yourself, but I’m sure there is an equivalent to this where you live. A few here use this exact valve as a safety blow-off valve in the event of a backfire through the intake of the engine.
Hi, Cody!
Thanks for the advice. I don’t plan to put a check valve on the blower yet. It is more convenient for me to start the car on gasoline, and then switch to gas while driving.
It is more important for me to make a check valve on the tuyere at this hour.
Спасибо за совет. Пока я не планирую ставить обратный клапан на воздуходувку. Мне удобнее заводить машину на бензине, а затем в процессе движения переходить на газ.
Мне сей час более важно сделать обратный клапан на фурму.
vladislav, i have yet with the tractor only a few hours of test run, because i must work on the chain sustainment before using for real work…but runs fine in all rpm…
when the coal is too big you have too much hollow space between and this disturbs gas production…
small coal pieces in the right size have more active surface as bigger pieces, related to the same volume.
when filling the hopper is good to stick and stirr a bit with a thin metal rod , down to the bottom for closing voids between the coal…i observed it starts easier as having too much voids between the coal pieces.
i make my coal from hardwood twigs, burning them in old bath tub, so i have automatically the right size…
have made a thread - charcoal from twigs…simple, quick and effective…
when i remember right , the minimum of temperature must be around 600 degree celsius in the hot area for creating gas…so, if the nozzle hole is too big and the engine runs on idle, the airstream becomes too slow because of too big diameter of the nozzle hole and reduced suction of the motor, so the needed temperature cannot keeped.
a smaller nozzle hole keeps up a sharp air stream also with idling motor, and can keep the needed temperature for gas production.
The main cause of poor gas generator operation has been found.
How did the poor operation of the gas generator manifest itself? It was difficult or even impossible to set low revolutions, unstable operation at low revolutions. When driving at high speeds (above 2000) it is worth to drop the throttle a little, almost immediately there was a depletion of the mixture and the engine stalled.
Changing the diameter of the tuyere, changing the distance from the tuyere to the gas extraction grille did not lead to noticeable changes in the system operation.
Today I tried to remove the standard engine air filter, and oh wonder…everything worked as it should.
The idle can be set any, change the engine speed both at parking and driving can be without problems. Subjectively, the engine on gas runs softer and more stable.
Основная причина плохой работы газогенератора найдена.
Как проявлялась плохая работа газгена? Трудно, а чаще и невозможно было выставить низкие обороты, неустойчивость работы на низких оборотах. При движении на высоких оборотах (выше 2000) стоит немного сбросить газ, почти сразу происходило обеднение смеси и двигатель глох.
Изменение диаметра фурмы, изменение расстояния от фурмы до газоотборной решётки к заметным изменениям в работе системы не приводило.
Сегодня попробовал удалить штатный воздушный фильтр двигателя, и о чудо…все заработало как положено.
Холостые можно выставить любые, изменять обороты двигателя как на стоянке так и при движении можно без проблем. Субъективно, двигатель на газу работает мягче и стабильнее.
The engine air filter itself was changed about a month ago. The filter became deformed. The previous filter did not change shape. Who can explain why things were happening like this in the operation of the gasgen, what’s wrong with the filter?
Сам воздушный фильтр двигателя менял около месяца назад. Фильтр деформированный стал. Предыдущий фильтр форму не менял. Кто может пояснить, почему все так происходило в работе газгена, что с фильтром?
Perhaps the gas had some moisture and caused the paper element to deform? Even charcoal gas has some moisture content due to hydrogen and atmospheric moisture.
Are you intending this paper filter to be both fresh air to the engine and your final gas filter? I would remove it from the air cleaner and run a standard Cone/Pod style filter just for the fresh air. Or you could find one of the washable oiled air cleaner elements that use gauze instead of paper.
The engine is supposed to run on gas and gasoline, so want to keep the existing design, not change the existing mixer and engine design.
I have not put the new filter in yet, nor have I tried running the engine with the filter. If running with the filter proves impossible, I will have to change something in the design to be able to run on gasoline as well.
The optimal option for me is the one you suggested!
Предполагается, что двигатель должен работать на газе и бензине, поэтому хочется сохранить существующую конструкцию, не изменять существующую конструкцию смесителя и двигателя.
Я еще не ставил новый фильтр, не пробовал работу двигателя с этим фильтром. Если работа с фильтром окажется невозможным, то придется что то менять в конструкции, для того чтобы можно было ездить и на бензине.
It seems I may have had a similar experience to yours recently. I installed a round automotive paper air filter as the final filter in my charcoal gas system in an effort to keep fine dust from clogging my carburetor. After three short trips, I had to almost close the air mixture valve to get a burnable mixture. Then when I would slow down, the engine would stall because it would not idle on that gas mixture. I think the moisture and fine dust quickly stopped up the paper filter.Now I will try a larger, washable style filter to see if that will be a better solution. I just hope it will filter out the fine dust well enough. I hear that the washable filters are not as tight as the paper filters. We’ll see.
Steve, definitely get one that is meant to be oiled. Without the oil it won’t filter very well.
At least when it gets too much soot you can simply wash it and re-oil.
(Marat (East of Ukraine, 70 km from Donetsk))
Perhaps it’s just time to develop a good electrofilter??? Lightweight, compact and self-cleaning? By the way, according to Sergey Lagunov, the electric filter dries the generator gas well, and then its blue flame really burns the exposed hand.
Возможно, уже просто настаёт время для разработки хорошего электрофильтра??? Лёгкого, компактного и самоочищающегося? Кстати, по словам Сергея Лагунова, электрофильтр неплохо сушит генераторный газ, и тогда его синее пламя реально обжигает подставленную руку.
This one is an off-brand and the web page doesn’t mention oil, but it looks like the kind made to be oiled. Also, I have an oil bath filter for a tractor and am trying to figure out how I can add that.
The very best solution to wanting an engine to be able to fuel on drastically different fuels of woodgas/gasoline and even propane is to have completely different fuel mixers. installed.
Each isolated by manual closing valves.
Not just keyboard talking better-idea theory when I say this
This has been done by USA Ray Rissler. By Netherlander Dutch John.
Of course compared to an engine intake system purposed designed for best power on gasoline then flow compromises will not give the same power as a dedicated suction liquid fueled carburated system.
Using instead the to each individual intake port gasoline electronically fuel injected system Will give normal on gasoline power and able to eat sooting woodgas.
Much simpler to just go converting a newer model EFI engine to woodgas than all of the “perfectly” filter/clean up add on systems elaborations trying to save an old suction gasoline carburetor.
Currently here new electrical generators now EFI are available and affordable in comparison to making up a one-off experimental “make my woodgas pure” system.
I know this well. I purchased two EFI electrical gnerertors. They save 25% less gasoline usage. Start easier in any weather. Operate with a cleaner exhaust.
Steve Unruh