the recovery zone and everything connected with it is not needed for modern gas generators and I am not engaged in testing outdated technologies, a whole bunch of Soviet literature has been written about gasifiers with recovery zones and all kinds of nozzle combinations, after reading which, I found almost nothing interesting there … I am interested in small dimensions, minimal weight, simplicity of execution and high power due to good gas quality. My goal is not to repeat anyone, but to create a worthy sample with good properties suitable for today, and not rummaging through history …
Please do realize we have zero, none, no knowledge of any of the Soviet works.
So we are forced here now in the west to recreate all attempts.
This has been slow with many failures and much frustration.
With the exception of the Swedish and Finn governments back in the 1960’s nothing has been done at all usable to the individual.
Nothing. None. And I stand firm on this declaration.
Out American government published and released F.E.M.A. unit is an embarrassment.
Our Universities research only directed to grand scale impossibility that always fail when brought to commercial levels. As if someone is always inserted into these efforts to bring failure to it. Gas Turbines!! Specially made Stirling heat engines!!! Pahh. Five different West industrial IC engine companies say they have the engines that can eat your gases. White coats insisting fully equipped analysis Labs for full spectrum gas analysis before any engine could possibly be harmed.
So thank you for your answer.
This says many non-productive areas to stop wasting time and efforts onto.
Best Regards
Steve unruh
Japanese woman and gasified bus, source and date unknown.
Japan supported wood gas powered vehicles for many decades . They developed solid long running units . That needed to be refilled frequently . Japanese gasifiers should also be studied .
Looking at the shoes pointed toes, and clothes, this does not look like Japanese to me. Korean would be my guess. Women in all black fit the Korean culture. My two cents. Unless there is a original caption to this picture from the place and date it was taken.
That is impressive, the wood looks like the size we put in the WK gasifers, may be even larger.
And if you look up KCK co. On the side of the bus, It come up with Kansas City Kansas transposition. Lol
In the WWII everyone was into gasification. No oil do it another way.
Now let’s get back to Joni’s 8.0 (GJ-8.0) project at hand on this thread.
So Joni. The wood size is definitely to large for most Imbert gasifers. Your 30 cm fire tube with no inverted cone shows this. Only a 8 cm opening for everything to go through to the grate.
I think it is the larger fire tube that you have is helping the larger wood to get down to the tuyeres to be process. And with your long tuyeres sticking out at the top of the fire tube, it holds back the bigger pieces until they are small enough to Pass by the tuyeres and head on down to the reduction zone and grate .
The little bit of vacuum you pulling at the top of the hopper pulls the excessive amounts of moisture out of the hopper and out to the end of the exhaust pipe. This also causes the hot heat to move above the tuyeres for better pyrolysisation of the larger wood. This is following the K. I. S. S. Keep It Silly Simple plan.
The other thing I have noticed is your grate is fixed with turned up edges. Are you using stainless steel for the grate?
Steve mentioned that with the gasifer mounted on the hitch, 3 point connection would give the proper vibration to the grate by just driving it down the road.
The Japanese gasifier had a port where you could see red glow from inside gasifier but it seemed that it was inside double wall and a pipe on outside of gasifier lead to this port . A pipe on lid let out smoke . Manufacturer had big inscribed plate dedicating gasifier unit . Fuel seemed to be cut ceder boards slightly smaller then deck of cards .
Hi Bob,
the grate of this gas generator was made from an old cast iron skillet that I stole from my wife’s kitchen and cut off a little …
Joni, did it last the life of the gasifer before retiring it. Or are you still using it.
yes, that frying pan turned out to be quite tenacious, I still use it on version (GJ- 9.0)
Joni, that is good to know.
Here are some Japanese hibachi grills these are light weight ones. But on a bigger hibachi they are made more heavy duty. If you cross them 90 degrees you have a nice grate.
Free grate made of cast iron.
I wonder if my Dana would mind if I used this.
I like your frying pan!
I use cast iron pans and lids too. Stainless is hard to come by as scrap and the cast iron is free and seems to last. Also it’s much easier to drill a hundred holes into.
Good morning Guys,
I found the treasure trove of things Joni-Gasification.
His youtube channel has 54 videos on it from 4 years ago to present.
Oh bother. It will not directly link up. It does exist. Just go onto any persons put up youtube (post #25 above) and while playing enabled on youtube, scroll down and click open the dark written presenters name.
I like your channel Joni. You showed disassemble engine pictures. Hurrah!
I subscribed.
I like your works progression.
You show vehicle gasification from the beginning USEING the vehicle as your test bed.
To me wood-for-power is not real unless I can see the actual shaft power maker - the engine.
Any other approaches always become an in-your-head-game. The dog chasing it’s own tail. Will never have a usability in reality.
Developing without the engine system then leaves too many factors out.
Leaves out the benefits that can be derived from the engine systems such as you later used with your hopper/bunker engine exhaust moisture removal system.
The vehicles driving shaking.
To make it as simple as possible use the engine; and what it is driving Systems, for benefits.
But men who would seal their wife’s iron-ware, better sleep lightly.
Or become friends with mr Bobbit.
My wife knows each and every one of hers, even if not used for years!!
Steve unruh
When I click on it it says channel doesn’t exist