JO's gasified 92 Volvo

Been thirty years since I’ve been subjected to a vehicle inspection of any kind including emissions. I don’t know if that’s still required around big urban areas or not. When we got them they just stuck a probe into the tail pipe. Never looked at the engine.


The vast majority of our vehicles are fluid drained, stripped of any goodies and then crushed for recycling within months after being turned into a junk yard dealer. As far as know there’s no way of register a vehicle as road worthy again after it’s been turned into the junk yard. The junk yards do sell spare parts, but that’s another story.
The only way to get your hands on older vehicles is through a used vehicle dealer or through private adds. Right now prices are up on used vehicles, due to the resent shortage of new ones.

Hmm…both safety and emission inspections every year has been mandatory since 1964.
Only in resent years, oldtimers 30+, are allowed a two year period between inspections.
50+ yo vehicles don’t need inspections at all.
Good for these guys. Cruising events with old Am cars take place in every other town around here during summer.


They do an OBD2 scan for anything younger than 20 years old in my state and safety inspection until it’s 35 years old.


The vehicle inspection exemption rules in North Carolina have changed to older than 30 years.


Thanks for the video JO. I sat here with a big grin the whole time. I can hardly believe the cars you have there. Some would be very rare even in a classic car show here. Fifties era Lincolns and Cadillac’s like the day they rolled off the show room floor. Just amazing.


JO, Wow! You Swedes really get the USA heavy metal iron Hot Rod culture. A bit of a caricature and maybe a fun poke at Americans, but in good taste!! :cowboy_hat_face:


Wow JO! That is the most 4-door cars restored in a parade I’ve seen before. Over here everyone restored 2-door classics. 4-door cars weren’t cool. I saw a red 52 Olds convertible which was like my second car. I was really surprised to see a 56 Buick model which were “limited production”. TomC


Found another one. Sorry to clutter your thread, but you started this nostalgia trip! :sunglasses:


I gotta say I am very impressed by how the hot rod and classic car culture is embraced over there, it isn’t something you hear much about. But I didn’t see any rat rod culture :joy: don’t get me wrong hot rods shiny paint and bling bling wheels look really cool, but I would hate for a litter hopper tar to splash on that paint job! I just noticed yesterday from cool downs my hopper lid spits a little tar on my back window. My truck is already pretty ratty so it doesn’t bother me none it serves a purpose and that’s what I need it to do, but shiny paint and cutting and buffing waxing and all that is just not my thing. But a gassifier rat rod like @Dutch_John truck is just to cool of an idea. Mad Max life style it would fit right in, if there were trees to run on. Precious guzzoline as they call it not needed for the apocalypse. Ahhhh more wild build ideas going through my head I need more time for fabrication. Hey jan do they have any kind of alternative fuel parades? Something your woodgas vehicles would fit into so we could see them get some YouTube world wide exposure for how stinking cool they are?


Hey Marcus .

I use a little less spring tension on the back of my hopper . Seems to help with the above .


Guys, thank you for your interest. I’m glad you liked the the old Am cars. I resently learned we have half a million of them registered here. Another 6,000 a year getting shipped here in containers. Quite a lot in a country of only 10 million people.
This culture was originally somewhat looked down upon - a working class and country vs urban thing. A lot of beer drinking involved, windows down and naked asses and titts passing by. Quite a few people my age are produced around Midsummer on an American car’s hoods :smile:
Nowdays the phenomenon is more mainstream - more of an artform and appreciated by most people. A lot of skilled fabricators are putting down tons of money and time in their garages during winter only to be able to partisipate in events like these during summer.


I never thought about European drag racing until I got involved here. I was surprised to find there is a drag strip in Sweden as well as Germany and England.

There is also a Dutch Top fuel racer that is now based in the US but runs the European tracks as well. Lex Joon.


JO have you thought about punching lourves in the boot cover? It’s something I’ve considered before.


To busy recovering from the C. And not really building some woodgas so I feel I must do before talk.

gassifier rat rod like @Dutch_John truck

But I wouldnt call that a rat rod. It is a real DJ s build. Finished to the detail. Very very fine paintjob, done by hand. I can remember standing beside the truck when it was just finished.
Rat rod is easy, my kind of vehicle too. And always wondering why someone can finishe the job.


I restored this a few years ago, sold it to a guy in Norway


Cody, I belive the trunk is leaky enough as is. I will add some extra insulation to the gasifier though.
The 100C on the guage while sitting is more about metal to metal contact - hetex to tc.


JO was this you in your souped up Volvo?


He was test driving it like Wayne does before he put the Gasifier in it, except JO does it on the snow.
You got to love us JO.


Don, I didn’t know you are watching Swedish news?

No, it wasn’t me :smile: but I passed a lake with a plowed race track the other day. I was considering making the video Kristijan talked about, but I chickened out and prefered the wood to last back home without refueling.


Finally, after 6 months and 3,000+ miles on wood I figured it was time for some fine tuning. Added a 2.5" slice of a 6" pipe to my restriction. With my driving habits the former 12 inches from nozzles to restriction was too much.