Life goes on - Summer 2020

All this against a purported Christian ethos. People seem to like to forget that Jesus was noted as declaring that a camel will sooner pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man will enter heaven. So much for prosperity theology, I guess.

Never mind 1 billion, or 100 billion, some observers think Jeff Bezos will be the planet’s first trillionaire. By the above figuring that could mean a billion dollars a week to spend in perpetuity. Or wealth similar to the oil wealth fund of Norway, built up over 50 years by the Norwegian state oil company.

That’s a clear sign of an inefficient system, and probably one nearing collapse, if not revolutionary challenge. Same situation as existed in France before the revolution, a fabulously wealthy elite who contributed nothing to the welfare of the nation, and in fact were it’s greatest damage.


116 STAT. 474 PUBLIC LAW 107–171—MAY 13, 2002
THREATS.—The Secretary may cooperate with State foresters and
equivalent State officials in the management of lands in the United
States for the following purposes:
‘‘(1) Aid in wildfire prevention and control.
‘‘(2) Protect communities from wildfire threats.
‘‘(3) Enhance the growth and maintenance of trees and
forests that promote overall forest health.
‘‘(4) Ensure the continued production of all forest resources,
including timber, outdoor recreation opportunities, wildlife
habitat, and clean water, through conservation of forest cover
on watersheds, shelterbelts, and windbreaks.
‘‘(1) ESTABLISHMENT; PURPOSE.—The Secretary shall establish
a Community and Private Land Fire Assistance program
(in this subsection referred to as the ‘Program’)—
‘‘(A) to focus the Federal role in promoting optimal
firefighting efficiency at the Federal, State, and local levels;
‘‘(B) to augment Federal projects that establish landscape
level protection from wildfires;
‘‘(C) to expand outreach and education programs to
homeowners and communities about fire prevention; and
‘‘(D) to establish space around homes and property
of private landowners that is defensible against wildfires.
shall be administered by the Forest Service and implemented
through State foresters or equivalent State officials.
‘‘(3) COMPONENTS.—In coordination with existing authorities
under this Act, the Secretary, in consultation with the
State forester or equivalent State official, may undertake on
non-Federal lands—
‘‘(A) fuel hazard mitigation and prevention;
‘‘(B) invasive species management;
‘‘(C) multiresource wildfire planning;
‘‘(D) community protection planning;
‘‘(E) community and landowner education enterprises,
including the program known as FIREWISE;
‘‘(F) market development and expansion;
‘‘(G) improved wood utilization; and
‘‘(H) special restoration projects.
‘‘(4) CONSENT REQUIRED.—Program activities undertaken
by the Secretary on non-Federal lands shall be undertaken
only with the consent of the owner of the lands.
‘‘(5) CONSIDERATIONS.—The Secretary shall use persons in
the local community wherever possible to carry out projects
under the Program.
‘‘(c) CONSULTATION.—In carrying out this section, the Secretary
shall consult with the Administrator of the United States Fire
Administration, the Director of the National Institute of Standards
and Technology, and the heads of other Federal agencies, as necessary.
authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this
‘‘(1) $35,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2002 through 2007;
and‘‘(2) such sums as are necessary for fiscal years thereafter.’’.

The farm bill is important legislation, and it meets important needs. The bill will strengthen the farm economy, and that’s important. It will strengthen the farm economy over the long term. It will promote farmer independence, and preserve the farm way of life for generations. It helps America’s farmers, and therefore it helps America.

It is now my honor to sign the bill. And for any of the members who dare have their picture taken with me – (laughter) – I welcome.
George W. Bush

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Jesus also said that a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. Thinking that it does surely may contribute to a hopeless outlook.


I think we generally agree then. Following the tenets of christianity is extremely hard in a culture that has replaced human and community values with those of corporations, soulless entities only focused on endless greed and consumption.

It’s troubling to see the culture burning down while corporate interests tilt and manipulate public concerns for their own base purposes.


We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.
1 John 5:19
Explains a lot doesn’t it?


In the light of the progress made ( or the opposite )
Please my friends from anywhere…

here in Thailand its mandatory , everywhere and the numbers are down…
If not for yourself, do it for me ( i don’t wanna loose you ) or more important, for your loved ones…


Koen; As you know, the wearing of masks in the US is up to the idividual person. Our virus rates are still going up. People can’t figure out why!! These people say the government has NO right to tell them what to do ( we all drive on the right side of the road; we all have Social Security numbers; the gov even tells me I can’t shoot someone) So why shouldn’t they tell us to wear masks just like the rest of the things they tell us to do. ( the one about shoot people really bugs me. I have several guns and they won’t let me use them like I would like) TomC


I am all for it, i mean the freedom , the second amendment…
Now lets use this as an analog with Covid 19…,
Apply the freedom of running around with a loaded gun… you still have the obligation to do it in a safe manner… ( keep your finger of the trigger, keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction…
I am all for it… ( but dare to point your gun at me, you’l notice how i care my life… )
Now, apply the same caution with covid 19… keep your safe distance, put on a mask, make sure you don’t hit someone with your germs…

If tomorrow all citizens with guns would start walking around with loaded guns on the street,…
Not all will be the safety minded people… some folks will get hurt by some less smart behaving persons…

What kind of awareness is needed ? bubonic plague ? the black death ?

There is no need for isolating everyone , there is no need for disarmament…
There is just need for common sense… Behave safe and responsible, keep your gun pointed in a safe direction, keep your finger of the trigger…
Keep your masks on and behave respectful towards others…

Isn’t that the essence from being a free american ? Respecting and being respected ?
Somewhat strange, i get more respect having a .45 visible on my belt, but less respect if i wear a mask ?

What needs to be done if you see someone behaving reckless with a gun ?
What should be done if someone is behaving irresponsible with health / contagious deadly disseases ?

My keyword: social responsibility… don’t keep your mouth shut when something is going on…
You can engage with a gun ? Why can’t you do the same with a respectful toned voice ?
With all due respect sir…


Tom I would add to that list that they require you not run around town naked. Putting a mask on is no more of a hardship then no shoes no shirt no service. We have lived with those signs for my entire life.
But here in the USA we have people like this woman.

All I can say about that video is the sign on the building should be on every establishment in the USA.
Also you have to be an extramarital selfish and well off person to have so few concerns in life as to throw a fit about having someone require that you use a mask and get your temperature taken.
Honestly I would love to see the dentist walk out without a mask on cough on his hands and offer to shake hands with her and usher her back into the dentist chair. You know she would run out the door and call the health department on him for cleaning her teeth without a mask on himself.

The problem I see is very few people know how to use a mask correctly, which could possibly make it worse than not wearing one.


You have to look at the context of what was meant. This doesn’t mean that if your rich you can’t go to Heaven, just as you don’t have to be poor to get there. It is about where your heart is, and what you do with your wealth. Remember Job was the richest man in the land, but he honored God


Al noone ethical earns a billion dollars.

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I could agree with you if you personally knew every billionaire on earth, other than that you are judging.


I challenge you to find one billionaires who hasn’t had some sort of issue with the way they raised their wealth. Just pick one and prove me wrong. Even Elon Musk has labor force issues at Tesla.


Personally, I am not judging all billionaires as being “bad people.” I am judging the system that allows some people to have a billion dollars, while other people in the same country starve. This is not a few people who have failed, it reflects failure on every voting citizen. I can not comprehend the fixation on socialism as being somehow being the polar opposite of American values. Since when has taking care of each other been un-American? Doesn’t social security make sense, even though it is a form of socialism?

It seems to me that one of the foundations of this nation is that all people are created equal - until we are willing to live up to that ideal, we will not solve our problems. I dont believe an ordinary person can hope to ever have as much power and influence as someone with obscene amounts of money.


Whether or not there are any righteous billionaires is a question for the church house. And in such a conversation, I will preach with you guys who say they should pass it out to the less fortunate. Definitely a Christian concept taught by Christ…self sacrifice for the benefit of others was and is in fact the central message of Christianity. But Al is right, you can’t prove a negative. If he can’t name a righteous billionaire it will not prove they do not exist.
Furthermore, we don’t live in a theocracy. We may or may not have ever been a society of Christians (I don’t think we ever were), but we have never been a Christian society. We are not intended to be. Never were. SO the question of wealth redistribution is brought down from the loftier “theological” to the broader “practical”. Otherwise we just have to start forcing everyone else in society to accept our religious constructs. Very few want that imposed upon them, so it is excluded.
Now the “practical” becomes a matter of opinion. With questions like, “which system helps the greater number of people?” Or, “How important is the right of an individual in society?” And in the extreme, “If it would help a larger portion of society, should we expect a certain segment of that society to commit mass suicide?” etc. etc.

My opinion is that, while I would preach to all of us who are rich (pretty much anyone who can afford to read this) that we should be using our wealth to help people less fortunate just because it’s what God wants us to do, the practical system that has proven to help the most people is the one where the rich get very much richer providing the opportunity for the masses to get slightly less richer, albeit richer, and the lazy and unmotivated get much less rich and end up being basically a burden on society. And that can be true without having to believe that the billionaire has every right (morally) to get evermore filthier rich.
In short, it’s the worst acted-out, non-theoretical system in history, except for all the others.
The kink in this idea comes when the extreme filthy rich don’t provide the opportunity for the masses to get a little richer, but instead screw everyone over to get even more filthy richer. Enron, etc…Then everyone loses confidence in the system and it ceases to function.

2 points:

  1. One does not have to prove that the uber rich are angels in order to believe that they are part of the better system. The fact is, that system has created an inordinate amount of advancement in the human condition. Albeit, I am quite sure I will hear from many of you that this is not true.

  2. We are in danger of losing, if not already lost, this “better” system because it has been abused by the uber rich to a point that most people think is absurd. Many are and have always been willing for the uber rich to get even more rich, so long as the masses could catch a good enough portion of the pie as it trickled down. But when they glean all the corners of the field in the extreme and empty hard working people’s retirement funds and the like, people stop being willing to walk that path. I think we are at such a tipping point in our society. Much of the other problems we face is caused by this.

EDIT: And I agree with K below, I “do not believe in” any political system either. I believe in Jesus Christ. Maybe we have different understandings of the term “believe in”, but I don’t think our hope needs to be in a political system. If it is, what a hopeless idea…talk about feeling doomed…

Edit 2: Carl, it’s not taking care of each other that Americans find distasteful. It is the idea that government is supposed to be the ruler of everything and the provider to all, of all. The population of the USA has given more money privately, communally, corporately, and governmentally to others peoples and groups of people than any other in the history of the world. American people are "(in my opinion) very willing to help take care of the less fortunate. My family spends somewhere in the neighborhood of half of our income attempting to help the less fortunate. But they/we (about half) do not trust government to know how to do it with their/our money. They would much rather see it done at a local level where real people can evaluate needs and resources and see that it is done better.
Also, can you give some specifics about these starving Americans you are speaking of? I have almost never heard of a human being starving to death in the United STates in the last 6-8 decades unless it was some kind of locked-in-the-basement abuse kind of situation. WHere exactly are these people. Are they actually there, or is just an idea, or maybe a difference in the definition of the term “starving”. ? I would be interested in these people.
Also, how much are you doing to help these people not to starve? Perhaps you have a calling yourself to this work.


Carl, ever heared of comunism/socialism? :wink:

I do not belive in any political system my self, quite frankly l despise most of them. All l can tell you guys is when our country was a part of Tito’s Jugoslavia, as much as l hear from older folks liveing in it, most say life was never better. l am not going to details except to say in those time the ratio between a worker wage and a company directors was max 1:5. Now its easyly 10 times higher, minimum…

Edit l am not sure what you guys get fed over there about Libia and Gadafi. All l can say is people from here used to work down there, construction and stuff like that… have lots of stories to tell, mostly of how they worked in paradice… look it up, how life was like in libia for the common man, under that “terrible” dictator…


Ouch. I did not mean to set off a rob-the-rich to feed the poor debate.
This makes sense when “the Rich” got wealthy from forced taxation on the All for their own benefit. Not taxing themselves at all. And them controlling the Church (your soul), the Tax-collectors (your life’s blood works), the Military (your actual life time they allow you).
But . . . . when the new-Rich are made Rich, by the many voluntarily by their millions giving a bit’o’thiers for pocket phone service’s; in-home down-streaming infotainment’s; vehicle purchase selections; stadium extravaganza’s blow outs, etc. ect.
Any and all of these can be just not buy-in purchases; or competitively purchased from a willing to sell it less-dear competitor. Hardware: get it well used, and then use it up until completely unusable. Then next get 2nd, 3rd generation back depreciated used again.
Then the Robin Hood principal falls short. The social/communism machinations of leveling of All; to a grand glorious future, for All falls short too.
Very, very few of the forced social levelers actually lived their inspired demanded levels.
Jesus Christ did. The Buddhist initiator did. Modern day Mahatma Gandhi and maybe Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and Ho Chi Mihn appear to have.
Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao Te Dong, the Castro family, the three generation North Korean ruler family??? No. They none did live down to the torn down “common” level. They lived UP. At the expense’s of the many. How is this different from the Napoleons, the Hitlers; and sorry to say too many of the Religious leaders and Orders, eh? Mega-churches? Why?
And how is this different from the old heredity Royals, eh?

Don’t like my states Gates family concern? Do not buy and use their products new feeding them dollars licencing&use fees.
Don’t like dope smoking, stunting Elon Musk? Do not by and support his dollars making products.
And as KVL said; your chosen responsibility is your freedom.

Anyhow Mike R, I have read Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago and Joshep Campbells The Hero With a Thousand Faces. Long, long , long. Wonderful rich writings of the human conditions. There are wisdoms in these but just like the Christian Bible hard to parse out to the today applications.
Jordan Persons 12 Rules for Life is much more direct and applicable.

His chapter 4, chapter 6 and chapter’s 9 have I believe the most relevance to modern day woodgas making and using.
“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today”
“Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world”
“Assume that the person you are listening to might know something that you don’t”

And I have especially come to treasure his last chapter CODA finishing up.
The real life important questions with his many studied belief systems actions wisdoms.
Page 367
“What shall I do with my infants death? Hold my other loved ones and (help) heal their pain.” He says strive to be at your father’s funeral the one helping others past their pains and griefs. Been-there. Done-that. Twice.
“What shall I do in the next dire moment? Focus my attention on the next right move.”
He says in his text expanded example clarification : The flood is coming. The flood is always coming. The apocalypse is always upon us. When everything has become chaotic and uncertain, all that remains to guide you might be the (strengths of) character you constructed, previously, by aiming up and concentrating on the moments on hand (daily).

Covid-19 is real.
Be responsible wear a mask when face to facing.
Hand sanitize frequently.
And go forward with Life living
Steve unruh


Tom, that is hilarious. Lots of people we’d like to shoot sometimes I guess. LOL :laughing::rofl:

Steve, excellent.

I think it’s kind of dumb for someone to freak out about being asked to wear a mask somewhere. This woman is an embarrassment. She is probably over reacting to a perceived slippery slope situation. Brought about by … I think it’s equally dumb to have a law saying one has to wear a mask everywhere, and shouldn’t go out to the beach in the sunshine. There is real fear in America of losing what has been perceived as freedom.
Nevertheless, this woman should go find a dentist that doesn’t care if she wears a mask. She has no right to demand that he run his office her way. Just dumb, entitlement mentality. And a dentist down the road should be allowed to operate that way if he wants to.
First, The reality is, there are differences of opinion about the science of the mask thing. Most agree that wearing a mask is better for others and worse for you. Also, wearing a mask does almost nothing to protect the wearer in any scenario. In fact, wearing it poorly (constantly adjusting it with one’s hands) is actually much more dangerous than breathing without a mask. And working while wearing one of many different kinds of masks increases carbon dioxide inhalation, which is not good for a person. Especially in the Alabama heat. (not really at issue in a dental office)
So, it’s not as clear cut of a line as everyone walking around with a loaded gun and pointing it the right way, (which everyone aught to be able to do also). You are not actually equating the walking around with a loaded gun with walking around with COVID. You are equating walking around illegally shooting people with walking around breathing. That is far from the same thing.
Anyone who truly believes they are going to kill grandma by not wearing a mask, but refuses to do so because it might infringe on their comfort level for a few minutes is just an ass. People have a right to be an ass, they don’t have a right to shoot grandma unless she’s about to shoot them.
But the fact is, most people who don’t wear masks don’t believe that they are going to kill grandma. Some of that belief comes from ignorance of the issue. Some from apathy.
But many because They have been told dozens of different things by competitive “authorities” on the subject over the course of many months. Often times by organizations who are competing with their own message. And again, we are back to the “we don’t trust government” mantra…

Secondly, People have the right to value other concepts above safety and security. Historically, most surrendering of freedom has been done to acquire some promise of security. People in this country are at a very significant low when it comes to trusting that promise. Their cities are on fire, their mayors and governors are bowing to anarchists and leaving them out to fend for themselves, the police are hamstrung, people caught in riots call 9-11 and are told they have to fend for themselves, and this often is happening in the places where the people have already been personally disarmed…so people are increasingly unwilling to make the trade of rights-for-security. All of a sudden, people aren’t as concerned about being safe (mask wearing)nwhen something that they deem to be more important comes along. We see that on every side of every issue. For example, COVID was the terrible scourge of society, until it got replaced by racial equality movements for example. My only point is, security and safety are not necessarily a person’s most important concerns; And often, rightfully so. If a person was confronted with running into gunfire in order to protect his family, we would judge him a coward if he were not willing to set aside his concerns for safety in order to hold up some higher ideal.
In short, folks have a right to value what they want to value. That’s pretty much the definition of freedom.
If I don’t want to be around someone who wears pink shirts, I can go somewhere else. If I don’t want to be around people who worship some particular god, I can go somewhere else. This woman can go to another dentist. The dentist can kick her out. Everyone can do their thing. If someone is exceptionally concerned about COVID and being around people in a grocery store who don’t have a mask on, they can work out some way to hide in a cabin in the woods until it goes away in about 5 weeks or 50 years. Or they can shop online, or they can go to the store at midnight in a plastic bubble. If I am willing to send my son on a cross country trip in a woodgas truck during a pandemic and social unrest, I can do that. Or I can decide I am unwilling to do that and not send him out there. I, and everyone else, has to make personal decisions based upon the circumstances in the world around us all the time.
Personally, I feel I was cheated by not being born after the Star Trek replicator and transporter was invented, but that’s just me. Maybe I’ll start a social movement because I don’t like the circumstances that the reality of society is forcing me to live in. Maybe we can put all our extra cash into inventing it before I am too old to take advantage of it. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think we need a great deal more personal responsibility in our society, our rhetoric, and our expectation of ourselves and others so that we can take personal responsibility of our own circumstances and actions.


Hey Tom, we’re not talking about shooting people. We’re talking about breathing.