Life goes on - Winter 2019

Bare shelves, panic, and rationing- dry run for Bernie Sanders presidency.:smirk:

Nice way to get @Chris to shutdown the discussion.


We will find out today after primarys if burnie picked up enough votes too play against trump.Like they are saying though this world covid 19 is out of season in some countrys and still showing up in more countrys. with a much higher mortality rate than the normal flu.Depending on all sorts of variables,and the mutation status.I even heard as high as 15 % death rate in some areas.

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I think you will find this was the death rate in the most vulnerable population. Which is elderly with pre existing conditions. Ofcourse I have no idea how you get to be elderly and not have pre existing conditions…

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I Agree and were all getting closer too our eturnal home.PEICE ON EARTH.And the end of this swamp creacher world.Over and out, i gotta go fix a washer too resale.I bet the filter mask helped a lot in china keeping the virious spread down.

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It does. I had to wear one last year when chemo wiped out my immune system and I ended up in one of those hospital beds. Anytime out shopping I was wearing it. Nice thing was that people would avoid me. The problem is that there are not enough to go around so it is MUCH MORE effective if sick people wear them.

Hey - life isn’t a fairy tail walk in the park. One day things are fine and the next day your world is turned upside down. I lived it. If I can roll with the punches, anybody can. That’s life, sorry. Too be in WWII would be way worse. We knew this stuff was coming and it will just keep getting worse. The ones that can adapt will be doing and move on. Tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, bugs and what ever.


I hate to be the one to change the subject, but here is one of my tractor projects:


What type of tractor? I have too many tractor projects that seem to never get done.


Thank you Jeff, We could spend everyday trying to predict how everything is going to play out. Let’s leave that to the other social media platforms and keep this one to wood gas and our wood gas families, please.


Agreed. Let’s keep a lid on the politics. Everyone is at risk regardless of politics. Try to stay positive.

Why not use the forced downtime to make some progress on a woodgas project?

Also, thread is closed - not for stray discussion, but because spring is coming! See you on the other side…