Good Morning Brian White
Good job getting that nice energetic flare.
Good job for not falling into the “perfect blue flame” crap-trap jabber and wanting to now go as directly as possible onto engine running.
Three hours to find a bread crumb trial to finally get your nice short compact video to load up. Good job there too.
Now seeing your system, yep, GaryG is correct you will want to hot cyclone out first as you will need to have all of the consumed char released ASH pulled and produced gasses swept out all along too.
Depending on your wood base you have made your char from, this ash by weight, will be a min of 1% to as high as ~8% of the char weight you put in and consume. Don’t get it out, ongoing all along and you will char particle gases exchanges flow clogging and even get very undesirable char particle heat insulate.
With the temps in your base next to the nozzle end you will even ash melt and clinker clog if you do not flow sweep it out as released.
Anyone else having problem downloading this new video go to his memebers page and look up his previous posts.
He has a video link on this previously that will load fine for me. That gives access to his youtube’s members channel and then this new video links from there, easy.
Hey TomC most of the three hours tring to find away for me to view BrianW’s video I was hopping, skipping around looking at other gasifier system video’s that would link and download tring to get an alternative link to his to side-bar pop-up.
Settlement chambers/heat exchangers visibly used on some APL’s works, some VictoryGas works, Vesa Mikkonens works, Ray Risslers works (Missouri gasifier), and others.
Seen all types. Round and rectagular upright the most prevelent. Mid IN to HIGH outs always. Don’t want to stir up and recirculate lower settlements. But a few as flat-ish, shallow, wide/long deep rectangles too. IN one end HIGH; Out the opposite also High.
Your big 4.3L V-6 truck as a raw wood fueler is far different than these small charcoal gasifiers.
Getting soots out before your throttle body is not your problem.
Most of your problem is your big high flow American positive crankcase ventilation system filling your intake system. This is filling from just behind your throttle plate(s) the whole intake with crankcase oil vapors. Be much worse on a worn engine with lots of piston rings blow by crankcase pressurizing and needing ventilating out. This wet oil acting as a adhesion magnet for any soots passed through; or just after the trottle plates being formed. Leaking/worn valve oil seals a problem for this too filling the negative pressure intake with oil mist.
You cannot effectivley eliminate the low pressure and temperature dropping area just after your trottle plates on your big engine. Too much you be be at just cracked open throttle creating a turbulance point low pressure point. Small engine/gen-set kept highly loaded with an always near wide open throttle is the trick way to reduce this.
You can eliminate routing your PCV oil vapors into your intake. Just go old school natural draft crankcase vented and expect to have to change your oil for contaminates building up more often.
Ha! With wood/char gas fueling you should be doing more often oil changes anyhow. Oil is a soots sponge.
ALL WOOD/CHAR gas SUCTION engines should do this out of the more higher forced vacuum intake eliminating of crankcase ventilation anyhow. Some of the 80’s 90’s Briggs and Strattons switched to air cleaner crank case ventilating with even a simple clogged air filter are notorious for sucking out all of the crakncase oil through the caburetors! Air cooled, oil low then, overheat, seizing. Air cooled, engine oil cooling is a significant factor.
Sorry for the topic drift GaryG. I was tring to clarify to BillS and others who would read why smaller heads need smaller hats, and larger heads need larger hats. One-size-fits-all solutions (like just throwing on somewhere a looks like a cyclone); fits most poorly.
Back to ON sub-forum CHARCOAL topic. On BrianW’s char screening and sizing discovery that you and other experenced advocate. As an apology, let me point out found in my three hours of videos struggling Doug Brethowers newest almost no fines, and no large’s needing grinding in his pellet charcoal engine running gasifier works.
“Missouri Gasification Systems S-80 Powering a Tractor on Charcoal”
“Refueling a Tractor on Charcoal”
“Charcoal Powered Wood Chunker”
These are now up and all on his on his name youtube channel. Let you all find you own links. Mine end up being convoluted back doors.
These deserve to be set up and viewed here in Charcoal Gasifiers on their own topic.
And he has even converted a sawdust intened raw fueler to work with his charred converted pellets using engine exhaust recirculation for heat moderation.
Regards to All
Steve Unruh