Selection and construction of a coal generator for boats

feel welcome to create your own design. :slight_smile: Most people who do try, do not get it correct the first time.

Они будут видеть, понимать, делать.
They will see, understand, do.

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Минимальный рабочий объем топлива.
Minimum working volume of fuel.


Обработка сварки и покраска.
Welding treatment and painting.

12,4 Kg.

The base camp GG.

Полярный волк.
polar Wolf.


Hello Aleksandr.

Thank you for the pictures .

I see BIG Teeth on the animal , Stay safe



I would not like any of those critters any where me or my livestock.

I agree it seems odd to me that there is a movement in the United States to bring back wolves and cats as top predators. It is as though we have forgotten why they where hunted out of the region just about 150 years ago. I know I don’t feel safer knowing they are comming back.
One of the reasons I like galloway cows they are good around people but are vary protective of there young from anything else. To the point where you want to be careful around the new borns. But I sleep better knowing they can defend themselves.


I just saw a wolf pup cross the hiway yesterday morning.
Around here farmers are keeping donkeys to protect catel.


До осени будет много свежих фотографий. Здесь выложу для всех. Будет и работа ГГ на лодке.
Until autumn there will be a lot of fresh pictures. Here I will lay out for everyone. There will also be a work of GG on the boat.

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Дикие Волки нужны для освежения кровей собачек. Всех выбивать нельзя.
Wild Wolves are needed to refresh the blood of dogs. All can not be knocked out.


Very nice clean workmanship.

It’s been many years already. I came back and decided to add information that I had missed in the past. It is important. In such a scheme, it is impossible to take gas from the very top cover. It is necessary to select CO in the reactor itself, close to the place of gorenje. It worked well for me when moving away from the nozzle up to 20 cm. Then it was already bad or completely stopped working. The gas was no longer combustible, porridge in a word.

Прошло много лет уже. Я вернулся и решил добавить информацию, которую упустил в прошлом. Это важно. В такой схеме нельзя газ отбирать у самой верхней крышки. Отбирать СО надо в самом реакторе, близко к месту очага горения. У меня хорошо заработало при удалении от форсунки до 20 см. Далее было уже плохо или совсем перестало работать. Газ был уже не горючий, каша словом.


You also gain the benefit of more consistency in exiting gas temperature I would imagine.

So is the gas sufficiently cool at a 20cm distance from nozzle, or does it require an intercooler like a transverse or downdraft reactor?

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Tried to select CO at the top of the bunker. There is a filter in the expander. Nothing is on fire. Deactivation occurs when passing through birch and pine charcoal. I lowered the pipe almost to the hearth and it all worked. The length of the channel and the expander - the filter cool the CO sufficiently, and in Siberia our heat is a rare case. When mixed with air, it cools down. However, all this is cumbersome and messy. In a country where oil flows in rivers, and swamps “breathe” gas, such a gas generator is complete nonsense. Lost interest.

Пробовал отбирать СО вверху бункера. Там и фильтр в расширителе. Ничего не горит. Происходит деактивация при прохождении через древесный уголь из березы и сосны. Опустил трубу почти до очага и всё заработало. Длины канала и расширитель - фильтр достаточно охлаждают СО, да и в Сибири нашей жара - редкий случай. Смешиваясь с воздухом дополнительно охлаждается. Однако, всё это громоздко и грязно. В стране, где нефть реками течет, а болота газом “дышат”, такой газогенератор - полная бестолковщина. Потерял интерес.


My goal was this: to run a gas generator for a chest freezer on a boat. But I came to the conclusion that from May to October it is more profitable and easier to have a 250 watt solar power plant on polycrystalline panels. Just great. Moreover, in summer we have a polar day around the clock, until mid-August.
Моя цель была такова: запустить газогенератор для морозильной камеры на лодке. Но я пришел к выводу, что с мая по октябрь выгоднее и проще иметь солнечную электростанцию мощностью 250 Вт на поликристаллических панелях. Просто великолепно. Кроме того, летом у нас полярный день круглосуточно, до середины августа.


I have read in many of the Gas Producer books, it is beneficial to extract the gas when it is hot to prevent CO “decaying” into CO2. I noticed this in a few charcoal gasifiers.

I don’t think anyone will begrudge you for utilizing a plentiful resource. But at least you have the knowledge to make such a producer if need be.


I came to the following conclusion: in porous coal, this reaction occurs, the formation of co2.
It’s not about oil, but about profitability and the final cost of fish and meat. Therefore, the choice fell on the Sun. Lots of free time. It is important.
And for a long-distance transition from the site to the base, you need speed. Coal does not provide it. Twenty-five again: gasoline wins.


I think it’s time to switch to an electric motor downstream to the hunting and fishing spots. Returning home on a gasoline engine, against the current - (distance - (1200 - 1500) km.) Clear and peaceful skies above everyone’s heads, Freedom of speech and Democracy that knows how to defend itself. So that you always have drinking water and food, like in Siberia of the Russian Federation.
My 2024 navigation on the Lena River.


Are there a lot of solar panels in Russia these days? I hear about places all over the world, but never about Russia. I didn’t know if it was catching on or not. But obviously you have a few on your boat. :slight_smile:


Yes, obviously, my catamaran has 2 panels of 100 watts. The third is experimental. Next year there will be two large ones of 320 watts each. A total of 640 watts to power a chest freezer up to 500 liters, a PC, a TV, etc. Now there are 305 liters with a nominal power of 150 watts. I use the wind generator as insurance in case of prolonged cloudy weather. It is a great help this year, since the weather is very cloudy and windy. In Russia (in Yakutia specifically), solar power plants have been built in some northern villages, as experimental ones. Private individuals also build on fishing sites. It is profitable, since in Russia the price of fuel is growing like yeast dough. Another advantage in the summer: the Sun does not set behind the horizon and even when it begins to set, its brightness in the ultraviolet, and not only, is higher than at the Equator. The atmosphere is thinner and radiation adds energy. In Western Russia there is no such desire for solar power plants. That is where the majority of the population lives. So you are not very mistaken.
I need to store meat and fish for weeks around the clock, and I am not tied to a specific area where there may be a glacier. That is why I switched to alternative energy.
Previously, I did not know how to lose the excess weight accumulated in winter while working with a PC, without resorting to a planned fast and pills. This trip is a reliable solution.