Attention @Chris please disable the premium membership for Joni. At this time please.
Joni, there is pride that makes a person stronger.
There is foolish pride that drives others away.
There are fears that protects a person from some of life’s harms.
And there is paranoid fears that drives a person to hide himself from all human contacts.
On the DOW there was once a man who did fully convert a full sized Cherolet pick up truck to a Wayne Kieth system and then did drive it extensively.
He wrote and pictured this extensively.
His fears overcame him that he’d exposed himself on the Internet.
He spent days and days erasing topic by topic all of his on DOW conversations and pictures.
Then he quit his membership.
Social suicide. I expect he lives in some bunker behind the bank vault safe door that he’s pictured as owning.
Here. Let me show you that we each have this control.
Watch now every post of mine on this, your topic be erased.
tom, also we europeans have more than enough own dirt…but the title of the tread speaks about the truth…and so everyone should have the possibility to show his sight of the truth. just the title leads to political discussions, what hopefully we can discuss and remain friends though we have, maybee, other sights…what is truth? john 18. 37, 38…this is the absolutely truth, of course exists also personally feel of truth.
nothing against americans, nothing against ukrainians, nothing against russians and so on, when they are honest people, because mostly the politic leaders, when they are not honest, create trouble with help of brainwashed, corrupt and cowardy people.
so it is important to look on different informations, and guided by the spirit of god we can recognize the truth…
i am also a deep nationalist , but not for a land or nation on the earth, but for the kingdom of our beloved lord jesus christ…
when we all become this kind of nationalists, we become peace on earth, but it will be a hard birth…
god bless you
I don’t know what’s going on in Italy Giogio. What I do know is that all information is manipulated to a certain end. A past head of the main U.S. intelligence agency stated point blank their position. " We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." William Casey, Director of Central intelligence under Ronald Reagan.
While we are all fixated on the situation in the Ukraine our attention was immediately shifted from the mandate protests in Canada and the US to the invasion. Now in the US congress is considering a bill which would make issuing misinformation illegal. Misinformation being anything that was outside the proclamations of the government itself or it’s major media tools. Related bills are under discussion in Canada’s parliament.
The point being that none of us have the Truth about the Ukraine or anything else. World politics is like a house of mirrors except that those mirrors are screens flashing discordant images as you walk past and your cerebral cortex is so overwhelmed you walk out the exit begging to have a sense of reality. That’s when they show you that image of Big Brother.
The problem with this plan is that only so many balls can be kept in the air at one time and they have reached their limit. Too many people are starting to awaken from the trance. You see political desperation ramping up. If you can’t control peoples minds, you control their bodies. They have summoned the rider of the black horse. Do not think that the coming food crisis is not engineered as well.
The good news is us. We are a world wide group of people with no ulterior motive. Our only interest in being here is to learn and share. We celebrate each others victories without envy or need for profit. Our reward is that of freeing ourselves, at least is a small way, from control by the vampires that run most other aspects of our lives. The fact that we do it by Driving or producing energy with wood products is too far below the radar for the manipulators to consider us to be a threat. And yet, a seed has been planted. Perhaps next, people will discover that food doesn’t come from a a distant land on a truck to a shelve at Walmart. It grows right in your back yard if you want it to. Then the worm will really turn.
Я нічого видаляти не збираюсь, просто хочу стояти осторонь процесів,( як спостерігач а не підозрюваний), пошуку джерел витоків важливої , можливо запланованої інформації. Бо доступ було відкрито людям , які мало що тямлять і аж зовсім не поважають авторські права. І вони точно будуть використовувать отримані дані в своїх комерційних цілях. Тож я просто не хочу бути до цього причетним…
Joni, I’m sorry that such a talented inventor as you turned out to be such an ardent Nazi, sharing the burning of people. However, Hitler, they say, was a good artist … And you are very confusing Free Ukraine, where arrests and fines, or maximum imprisonment, would follow for anti-state rallies, then at Nazi Ukraine, people were burned alive for the same wrongdoing, and you support it!
And if you are such a brave Nazi that you allow yourself insults and threats against me, here on DOW, then translate your words into English so that everyone here understands what you are talking about and what modern Ukrainian ideas you so passionately defend. Or are you afraid that Americans and Europeans will learn the truth about Ukraine from your words, and America and Europe will again begin to help Russia in the fight against Nazism? As it was 80 years ago, Then the war in Ukraine will end very quickly, and very deplorably for Ukrainian nationalists.
This is truly an amazing place! Here I was a guest at Chris’s house, and I was happy to see with my own eyes that a friendly family can do really great things! Here I took a wood-burning ride with many guys in their cars. And visited Wayne’s sawmill. And a magical event for me: here I felt the living soul of Mike LaRosa, who reminds me of my father with his inexhaustible energy! Even my ignorance of the English language did not prevent these real feelings. This is an incredible fantasy that people could save here!
And I am very sorry that such an abomination as Nazism is being opened here on DOW … On the other hand, if we do not want to remember the bad, then we are forced to constantly meet with him again and again. This does not mean that you need to erect monuments to Hitler and others, but you must remember them! Humanity has to pay too dearly for its short memory of the bad…
ам слід бути простіше до деяких з цих формулювань…
Ви можете відмовитися від того, щоб назвати когось неприємним іменем.
Ми повинні бути обережними з деякими з цих фраз…
Ви можете скасувати те, що називали когось неприємним іменем колеги.
ГЛАВКОМ: Кремль нарешті назвав справжні причини війни з Україною.
В світі вже з’явилося нове поняття - “рашизм” ! Надіюся, ти про нього довідаєшся не з каналу рашатодей!
Те що ти називаєш мене нацистом дуже весело! В мене матір єврейка а батько українець (його батько пережив Бухенвальд)…
Якщо я, як ти сказав, націоналіст то в Україні, як доречі , і в Німеччині, Франції, Італії,…США націоналістів не менше 80% населення. І це ,я так розумію з твоїх висловлювань , дає право вводити війська і вбивати цілі міста на території інших незалежних держав твому кумиру Путіну.?
Розберись нарешті з тим, що робиться в твоєму промитому телевізійною пропагандою мозку і зроби адекватні висновки.
Отже з твого погляду на стан справ виходить, що я закінчивши українську школу, український університет, працюючи в українській адміністрації а потім ведучи свій бізнес повинен поклонятися телевізору з іноземними фейками?
Що ти знаєш про вчорашню Одесу, Дніпро, Харків - вчора росіяни обстрілювали їх крилатими ракетами , загинуло більше трьох десятків мирних українців. Що тобі розповіли з каналурашатудей про Бучу,Бородянку, Гостомель, скільки людей “рашисти” позвірячому там замордували? Тобі показали, як твоя доблєсная армия стріляла по велосипедисту з танка? Галтувала жінок, дітей? Вони на це заслужили? Вони заслужили на це лише тому , що говорили українською?!!! Перед ким завинив я, що орки з іншої країни (з яких жоден не володіє ,в достатній мірі російською мовою!!! Прийшли мене асвабаждать від української? Ти хоч розумієш весь цинізм що ллється з твого телевізора тобі в мозок, як з унітазу?
Тобі пора вже навчитися розділяти два важливих поняття, які об’єднала в твоєму мозку (і не тіки в твоєму) російська пропагандонія : нацизм і націоналізм. Відкрий вікіпедію і вивчи два ці поняття, незнання яких тобою і всіма хто полюбляє дивитися російський телевізор, вміло використовує кацапська терористична влада. Бо в тебе ці два абсолютно різні поняття чомусь об’єднані…
Good day. Today is EASTER. All is well with me and my family, alive and unharmed. Large columns of the enemy passed through our settlement in transit, and destroyed everything in their path. At the moment it is quiet, there is no enemy equipment. Even before the war, I started making a new gas generator, the work was delayed, but I still finished it, and installed it in the car and started driving.
Nationalism in Ukraine has long been transformed into Nazism. Often, high-ranking officials of Ukraine can be heard calling for the extermination of Russians and residents of eastern Ukraine, and they call them inhumans. A person with dementia cannot recognize his illness, so a nazi denies that he is a nazi. Let’s call a spade a spade, Joni is amazed by nazism, I know this not only from this forum but also from the Russian-language forum МАШИНЫ НА ДРОВАХ | VK
I really hope that Putin will not betray the Russians in Ukraine for the second time and will see the matter through to the end. After the end of the war, Joni is quickly cured of Nazi ideologies.
Национализм на Украине давно превратился в нацизм. Часто от высокопоставленных лиц Украины можно услышать призывы к истреблению русских и жителей востока Украины, их они так и называют не людьми.
Больной деменцией не может осознать свою болезнь, так и нацист отрицает, что он нацист. Будем называть вещи своими именами, Joni поражен нацизмом, это я знаю не только из этого форума но и по русскоязычному форуму МАШИНЫ НА ДРОВАХ | VK
Очень надеюсь, что Путин во второй раз не предаст русских на Украине и доведет дело до конца. После окончания войны Joni быстро вылечиться от нацистских идеологий.
Dear Vladislav… are you serious ? Did you just asked for Putin to continue to kill Ukrainiens ?
You are mistaken, no one kills civilians, on the contrary, there is a lot of evidence that the Ukrainian Nazis kill their own citizens, just because they express a different point of view.
The official position of Russia is that when conducting military operations in Ukraine, there is as little suffering as possible for civilians. The position of the Ukrainian side, the United States and NATO, the war to the last Ukrainian, so that there are as many victims as possible and the military conflict in Ukraine continues as long as possible. Ukrainian Nazis bring their weapons to the cities and shoot from there, they drive citizens out of their homes and use these houses as firing points. Citizens of these houses live in basements for a month, drink water from the sewer, no one knows what they eat, the Ukrainian side does not provide them with anything. And only upon the arrival of Russian troops in the city, they leave the basements, they are provided with food, water and evacuated to a safe place, similarly they do with Ukrainian prisoners of war who have surrendered. I use sources of information from ordinary citizens of Ukraine, both sympathetic to Russia and pro-Ukrainian, mainly Telegram Messenger, I haven’t watched TV for 20 years.
Nobody wants war, just say sitting at the computer and not delving into the essence of the issue, but guided only by the emotions ‘No to War’, ‘Stop the war’, but it goes on and will not be stopped just like that.
Рад слышать тебя , мой дорогой друг!
Ты говоришь ,что я нацыст только из-за того, что на русскоязычном форуме говорил на украинском?! ??? Только это уже делаем меня в твоих глазах и мозгу нацыстом!!!
Поверь мне, что в Украине точно таких как я “нацыстов” не менее 40 милионов (они себя называют украинцами) а остальные 3-4 миллиона склонны себя позиционировать как хохлы, голосуя на выборах за таких же как и сами хохлов из проросийских партий.
По поводу заявлений о истребление, унижении и утисках рускоязычных и других народностей от президента Зеленского (он еврей) не слышал ни разу, в отличии от проросийских “политиков-хохлов” в отношении украинцев.
Касательно болезни и неспособности ее признать самому , тут я с тобой согласен на все сто процентов!!!
Ведь больному новым видом нацызма - “РАШИЗМ”, который уже полностью признал весь цивилизованный мир, невозможно доказать ,что больной болен и не прав.
Вдумайся в то что говорят тебе с телеэкрана о вторжении росийсаих войск на територию Украины!!! Разве не такие заявления звучали с уст Гитлера восемьдесят лет назад, как сейчас говорит Путин? Разве Гитлер не заявлял об ущемлении немецкоговорящих в Австрии? Разве Путин не говорит о рускоговорящих сейчас в Украине?! Разве Гитлер не заявлял о высшей расе немцев? Неужели сейчас ты не видишь издевательских заявлений Путина,Медведева, Лаврова, Пескова и тд, про "один народ и НЕ существования украинцев как нацыонильности?! Неужели не видишь наглой ЛЖИ которая льется на заседаниях ООН из уст представителей России? Которые с насмешкой пытаются показать что они умнее других , что россияне наделены интелектом больше какой-либо другой нации и им плевать на международные законы. Разве не так было с Гитлером и его свитой? Они (россияне) пытаются вьюхать “свою правду” остальным семи миллиардам населения планеты, позиционируя себя как высшая расса! Разве это не то , как вели себя гитлеровцы?
Думаю, что в двадцать первом веке мир не допустит расцвета навого вида раковой опухоли на теле планеты и все виновны сядут на скамью подсудимых и все мы избежим расцвета нового вида вируса античеловечности под названием - “РАШИЗМ”. И все больные этой заразлй выздоровеют.
Так, что мой друг Владислав, подумай о том что творит правящая партия и сам Путин в твоес стране. Посмотри, что вещает тебе пропаганда и телевизор, задумайся ,включи логику и попытайся проанализировать то, что тебе “продает” твое правительство вместо правды! Они даже новую сластику придумали “z”!
И главное помни, что Украина это независимая страна, у нее свои границы (которые нельзя нарушать и пересекать темболее военным), у нее свой парламент и президент (выбранные демократическим путем а не посредством кумовства и коррупции) , и есть своя нация “украинцы”, которые разговаривают на своем - украинском языке, и эта нация НЕ один народ с россиянами!
По поводу “быстро вылечится” - думаю, скоро все вылечаться, и надеюсь, что большинство выздоровевших будут из России и Белоруси.Потому как считаю, что основным источником и распространителем нового зомбивируса “РАШИЗМА” является телевидение России
Glad to hear from you my dear friend!
Are you saying that I’m a Nazi just because I spoke Ukrainian on a Russian-language forum?! ??? Only this is already making me a Nazi in your eyes and brain !!!
Believe me, in Ukraine there are at least 40 million “Nazis” exactly like me (they call themselves Ukrainians), and the remaining 3-4 million tend to position themselves as crests, voting in elections for the same crests from pro-Russian parties.
Regarding the statements about the extermination, humiliation and suppression of Russian-speaking and other nationalities, I have never heard from President Zelensky (he is a Jew), unlike the pro-Russian “Ukrainian politicians” in relation to Ukrainians.
Regarding the disease and the inability to recognize it myself, here I agree with you one hundred percent!!!
After all, it is impossible to prove to a patient with a new kind of Nazism - “RASHISM”, which has already been fully recognized by the entire civilized world, that the patient is sick and wrong.
Think about what they tell you from the TV screen about the invasion of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine!!! Weren’t these statements made by Hitler eighty years ago, as Putin is saying now? Didn’t Hitler claim that German speakers were being discriminated against in Austria? Isn’t Putin talking about Russian speakers in Ukraine right now?! Didn’t Hitler claim that the Germans were a superior race? Can’t you see now the mocking statements of Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov, Peskov, etc., about "one people and NOT the existence of Ukrainians as nationality?! Can’t you see the impudent LIE that is poured at UN meetings from the lips of Russian representatives? Who are trying to show with mockery that they are smarter than others, that the Russians are endowed with intelligence more than any other nation and they do not care about international laws. Was it not so with Hitler and his retinue? They (the Russians) are trying to pour “their truth” to the rest of the seven billion population of the planet, positioning themselves as superior race!Isn’t that how the Nazis behaved?
I think that in the twenty-first century the world will not allow the new type of cancer to flourish on the body of the planet and all the guilty will sit in the dock and we will all avoid the flourishing of a new type of anti-humanity virus called RASHISM. And all the sick of this contagion will recover.
So, my friend Vladislav, think about what the ruling party and Putin himself are doing in your country. Look at what propaganda and TV are telling you, think about it, turn on the logic and try to analyze what your government is “selling” to you instead of the truth! They even came up with a new sweetie “z”!
And most importantly, remember that Ukraine is an independent country, it has its own borders (which cannot be violated and crossed, especially by the military), it has its own parliament and president (elected democratically and not through nepotism and corruption), and has its own nation “Ukrainians”, who speak their own-Ukrainian language, and this nation is NOT the same people with the Russians!
Regarding “it will heal quickly” - I think that everyone will be cured soon, and I hope that the majority of those who have recovered will be from Russia and Belarus. Because I think that the main source and distributor of the new zombie virus “RASHISM” is Russian television
Yevgen Kolyvan your hate, your bitterness, your anger causes you to slap down the hands that have offered you friendship and help.
Up to 12 DOW members were willing to forward money and tools for you to recover from the war losses.
This is from mostly limited income pensioners like myself.
And now you insultingly slap down a gift of fellowship to be able to read and talk to a base of over 100,000 hours of woodgas operating experiences. That is the value of Premium side menbership.
Membership that I, out of the $972. a month I get for my monthly pension sent off the $200. for you to be included into. Me. Personally.
Then it was DOW ownership that decided to offer all DOW participants war effected Premium side paid-in membership.
And you slap this down as an insult.
So I was not asking for you to delete any of your not-in-English rants.
It is I who have deleted my 23 posts in support of your side of this war.
You set up this topic. You are by DOW guidelines responsible for moderating it.
You Yevgen Kolyvan have ran this topic as a platform of hate.
Others Ukraina and Russian speaking follow the guidelines of duel posting in English too.
You do not. Yet you show this capability.
Earlier on post #43 it was proposed to lock out this topic as devisive to DOW friendship and good fellowship.
That writer was correct. I was wrong.
An Apology is insufficient.
So I have taken the drastic step of removing myself from any association to your hate, bitterness and anger.
This topic should be locked out.
And you Sir should be silenced untill your hate, bitterness and angers would no longer poison the DOW.
Excuse you because of war duress? No. 43 miles away for 100 days the ANTIFA (anti-Fascist) all black wearing hooded hoodlums have been destroying the nearest city to me. With their crystal-nights of broken glass. Street fires. Plywood screw gun enclosing buildings with fathers and mothers inside them. Then lighting them on fire. If arrested, they are not prosecuted. Let go to go out another night and destroy again. Why do I need to seek out more agony to endure, eh?
We live on a mega-fault due to 9.0 shake up, all-fall-down here. Surrounded by beautiful four snow covered volcanoes. Proven now since May 18th 1980 to stir awakened.
I come to the DOW to build. Not harmony destroy as you are doing.
So suck it up buttercup. Your soul is yours to make hell with. You cannot have mine.
Steve unruh
Классно тебе говорят из телика! Ты бы приехал и посмотрел что твои братья делают в моей стране. И как они "преобразили " Мариуполь!
Что о Буче, Гостомеле, других городах ? Есть множество живых свидетелей, видео, спутниковых данных признаным всем миром! И только кричащим из рашателика это не доказательства. Вчерашний обстрел Одессы? Там тоже были нацыки???
По твоему мирных жителей в Украине 2-3 миллиона?! Остальные сорок это нацыки которые надлежат уничтожению???
Твои мысли абсурдны, ты болен, ты “РАШИСТ”.
Мне жаль тебя и тебе подобных!
I’m sorry for the problems you’re having because of spending money on something I didn’t ask you for. I am very sorry that I brought you so many difficulties! If you provide an account number, then I, if possible, can return the money to you, although I have no idea what I have to pay for … From the very beginning of the war, I did not earn a penny, but against my will I received a considerable debt based on the levels of local wages .
It’s very good, Joni, what are you talking about Butch, about the “atrocities” allegedly left there by the Russian military after themselves! I saw this Ukrainian video with my own eyes. My wife and I were horrified by the corpses lying everywhere… We asked ourselves the same question: How could people do this to people???
But we knew the real anger and disgust the next day, when an operational video footage of the Ukrainian National Guard was discovered, which entered Bucha one day earlier than we were shown the “Massacre in Bucha”. These were the first Ukrainian soldiers who entered Bucha after the Russian military left the city. It was their video, without any Russia. Clean streets, no corpses, normally communicating residents, absolutely no traces of any horrors experienced. This video has been removed from YouTube. With corpses - available. But I’m sure someone has both copies. Investigators must have it.
We also saw photos in a French newspaper of a “strike” by a Russian missile on Lvov. But why are the photos so similar to the aftermath of the Ukrainian Tochka-U missile attack on Donetsk, which killed 30 people???
This is a dirty information war. But all the evidence will certainly be systematized and presented along with the confessions of the commanders of the nationalist battalions at the trial. And then the whole world will shudder for the second time from the consequences of Nazism!
You openly admit and support the burning of people alive, like the rest of the Ukrainian government, like the commanders of the nationalist battalions. There are people of different nationalities in your family, you speak both Russian and Ukrainian. But you hate the Russian part of yourself. You can call it whatever you like, but most people on earth call it Nazism!
And good news for you (you probably didn’t see this on Russian channels): Putin ordered an end to the assault on the underground premises of the Azovstal metallurgical plant in Mariupol. Surround, do not let anyone out, but do not storm. So investigators will soon be busy with new testimonies from direct participants in Ukrainian state Nazism. If the spiders haven’t gnawed each other out in the jar by then…
If today Russia withdraws its troops (yes, unfortunately, unarmed Ukrainians also die) from Ukraine, and leaves the Nazis there, then tomorrow the Ukrainian Nazis will burn all their people just because they could call relatives in Russia, or receive a call from them from Russia. Too bad you don’t get it…
And thank you for the fact that the whole world now knows the real Truth about Ukraine!
You owe me no money.
DOW ownership brought in you. And two others.
My money sent will be re-directed to bring in a living in the EU, 1,000 hours woodgas operating man now.
He has already added greatly to the general woodgas knowledge on the DOW public side.
His membership will replace yours once you are processed out of Premium membership. 549 then. With ~100 really active. And he has had the trials and failures to know all woodgas systems are only successful if made so by the operators.
What you do owe Yevgen Kolyvan is to stop breaking DOW rules and guidelines.
You are using hate energy to draw others into open debating.
Re-read; or Read for the 1st time, the DOW Guidelines statements.
Hard learned previous lessons on other forums have taught that the European/University vigorous style debating will tear apart social cooperative groups.
Vigorous debating Does Not prove what is right and correct. It is cage match fighting. It is entertainment for the sick-of-mind, and soul.
This is your third violation of DOW rules and guidelines:
Dear Vladislav,
You are clearly missing the point.
Russia is invading Ukraine by means of war period.
If the Russians you mentioned, living in Ukraine, don’t like Ukraine, they could return to their beloved Russia, not to forget to close the door behind them.
If my neighbor doesn’t like me, he can put up a fence, not invade and take what is mine…
I am going to ask you one more time: stop justifying war…