Walk behind tractor

Been quietly lurking since I realized the WK system wasn’t going to work for my Land Rover. My build sort of went into the things I’ll one day possibly do pile of forgotten projects.
But now I have started by first building a small charcoal retort and have almost finished a simple fire gasifier to run a 125 cc (9.5hp) motorcycle engine that I plan to build a simple walk behind tractor around.
I’ll post pics when I figure out how to post on the forum.

Does anyone have any info on any modern examples of walk behind tractors on woodgas?


Kristijan uses one. Modern or not doesnt really mather.


Giorgio and Kristijan would probably be the best examples. Gary Gilmore did his Gravely Tiller with a Simple Fire a number of years ago.

Granted they’re using Flathead engines, it shouldn’t matter too much. Plumbing is plumbing.

Edit: Glad to see you posting again by the way!
Do you browse here on a smart phone or via the computer?


Mostly PC. It’s the the Gary Gilmore Gravely Tiller that popped up on my you tube feed that gave me the idea. Got a 1.3 acre empty council land that I am in the process of getting a long term rental to plant crops and the thought of tilling by hand was making me depressed.
Process takes about a year - council moves slow so I have time to build it cheap.


Thanks - hopefully they pop in with some pics


Here are some links to get you started, this list is incomplete, and I will edit / add to it.

Variations on the theme by Jeff Davis:

Here is a collector, talking about what antiques you may find for sale in North America, rather than re-inventing your own. :cowboy_hat_face:

Here is a typical Asian walk behind tractor YouTube channel with lots of interesting videos to waste time with!

Edit 1:
Here is an enterprising young man from Viet Nam who uses some impressive welding and workshop skills to build a largish garden tiller from scratch. this will provide some ideas of what will work for you, and what will not. There are three episodes, this is the first, the other two links are provided at the end of the video.


timothy, i have also a topic of my motorcultivator, look there.
it must not be stainless, this is a spleen of me for long lasting products…
also propane tanks work really well as my first build, only a bit heavier with its 2,5 mm walls.
with stainless i can build thinner and so lighter and no rust problem , what destroys thinner material sooner…
ciao giorgio


Thanks Mike. There’s a wealth of info there. I am from South Africa so unfortunately have to reinvent the wheel. Can’t buy one so have to build it


Thanks Giorgio. Stainless is too expensive here so it will have to be heavy repurposed materials for now. That’s a beautiful build you did there.


Thanks Mike

That Vietnamese vid is impressive. Mine will have to be a lot simpler. I had to sell my lathe and milling machine during the lock downs so that level of machining is out of my reach. Could probably get a machine shop to do it but they are overpriced.
I’ll have to find simpler solutions. Interesting to see his pulley ratios though. My set up is similar. Using a 4 speed gearbox off a 125 pit bike and a Robin EH34D 11 HP motor.


This next video is the cheapest, simplest approach I have seen. It still requires access to junkyard, surplus, cast-off parts. It is a long, complete inspection of the engine and drivetrain, but when he gets to the point of operating this contraption, you can see that it is too highly geared and underpowered to be very useful. Nonetheless a different way to solve the problem of “No funds, no machine tools”.
I guess you are going to have to build in a way that reflects your conditions!
(89) Homemade Wooden Walk Behind Tractor- Repair and Startup - YouTube
Sorry, won’t let me post a commercial-free link. :cowboy_hat_face: here is a screenshot:

All I can say is you may be stuck with the manual labor of spade, hoe and wheelbarrow approach, hire out the heavy work of sod-busting the first soil-prep stages, or training a team of working animals using traditional farming methods. Nothing worthwhile is cheap, easy, and quickly accomplished. Choose wisely, and God be with you!