Yunz is a pretty Appalachian word altogether, I have some friends up in Pittsburg that say Yinz. Can’t speak for any Canadian Appalachians but I bet they’ve got something similar.
Hey Cody .
A couple of old ones from these foot hills.
You want me to help you load the wagon .
Yoant me to hope you load the wagon .
How about instead of saying (way) over there . It is (cur) over there.
Sometimes I don’t pick it up verbally until I talk to somebody out of state. In written word it’s a bit more obvious.
I say plum/plumb
I got plum wore out haulin my sigoggled junk metal today
We have jokes here about remote and isolated places up north. They say at one point a beauty contest was held in a remote village - no one won
Jokes aside - I’ve been meaning to ask you for a long time…I remeber you once showed us visiting ancestor’s graves. Some of them from back in 17??
You’re a Keith. Scottish decent? I know many Scotts ended up in the south during the 17-hundreds.
Listening to a native Scott, I’m always surpriced how many words they have incommon with us Scandinavians. I wouldn’t be surpriced if some of them still are used in the Southern states.
Lowland Scots actually have some Scandinavian ancestry, though by now it’s little. The Lowlands were under the Danelaw for a long time.
Scottish, Irish, and “Germans” settled the South first. Germans in quotations because this is a very vague term and basically spanned the entire Hapsburg empire.
Wayne and Cody - thank you. For some reason I find all this very interesting. Just imagine what things looked like back then
At the time of Cornelus James Keith’s birth an ancester of mine died in Poltava (Ukraine), fighting alongside Swedish King Karl XII. Ever since, everyone stayed put within a 20 mile radious from where I live
Pretty hard to not find a place that was settled or occupied by Vikings JO. They had trade routes all the way into Persia I think.
Too wet and muddy today to do any work so went out riding and running errands . While we were out we saw gasoline a $4.44 a gallon . This is the highest I can remember. For some reason it feels different out riding when gasoline is so high .
When I was young and my first old vehicle I would drive to the little small store and gas pump and get a dollar worth of gas . Today I wouldn’t be able to make it back home on that dollar .
Sorry but when I am videoing I can’t think of anything to say.
The other day I pulled up to the pump #3 and whoever was there had put in 5$, I thought to myself where is this guy going? Pump #4?
Hopefully he lives downhill.
Thanks for riding Wayne.
Then you will understand how I feel when I try to make a video, and try to speak in English.
That’s too funny Marcus.
I just Love how the V-10 sounds going down the road. Nice rumbling sound. The 92 Dodge Dakota engine has no back flow mufflers on it now. Has the same sound. Thanks for the ride, and you don’t have to say anything Wayne. Your truck says it all while going down the road all on wood.
Man I wish my truck would switch over that easily to wood. It seems to always take being driving down the road at speed before I can switch over, letting the rpm carry the gas up and into the motor. Once it has ran on wood it starts on it easily, but the first start in the morning and afternoon can be aggravating, it is never smooth like your v10
$4.09 a gallon. wasn’t the fuel prices at around $ 1.50 a gallon when you said enough is enough? My oh my how gasoline prices can fly.