Gilmore style?

  1. Stop trolling.
  2. It is here a charcoal gasifier topic.
    if i would only gasify co2 then the tread should be moved to the co2 gasifier topic
  3. Since your statement is that you fully understand the co2 converter, then you are trolling. Stop with that PLEASE

Koen… New thread on CO2 converter is open … I’m wating an your reply about.

Lets keep this on topic only…

First testing from the dual set.
After this picture i redirected the fumes into the bottom nozzle and did start playing…
the color of the flame from the cooking set gives a good indication from the gas quality…

played with water as well, next i will also try used cooking oil :stuck_out_tongue:

today doing some minor modifications and then give it to the students to prepare their presentations…

results are promising, want to try it on an engine

Koen Don’t you put a cap on the top to stop the gas from escaping?TomC

This picture was taken at start up, its just fumes from the plastic inside that tank.
That tank is enclosed separated from the gasifier.
The heat from the gasifying process will pyrolyse the content of the inner tank.

After the picture was taken, i did experiment with hoses and adjusting the suction, passing the fumes trough the nozzle…
Wow, what a fun, looking the flames changing color…
poored a few spoons water into that tank…

don’t try it at home… i am the expert in doing things wrong, but all went well :wink:

posting this picture to honor those who do build and do find way’s

There is alway’s a way to obtain the right results and there is more then one way…

Took the Skylab Trike for a spin around the city
Amazing looks everywhere and no Charcoal at the gas station…

Here a picture in front of the provincial Police headquarters.
More pictures @

I think you have a knack for making ordinary charcoal gasifiers look like extraordinary modes of transportation.

Today Channel 5 from Thai TV came …
6 hours early, not a shower, no time for decent clothes, just go for it…
I hope for a link soon
we even took the bike to a trip in the city for going out eating with the class, 6 persons on the back…

The staff of the provincial ministry of energy wanted to be on the foto…

You are doing a great job over there. Two comments; For esthetics, you should try to give the front end a little more of a “American Chopper” look And, in the straight on picture of the trike, I see in the back ground many vehicles waiting for you conversion. Thank you for sharing your work with us.TomC

i to prefer the American Chopper look, but here they don’t, yet :wink:
working on a plan to modify those on the background, part of my class “modify your dinofuel consumer” into “drive on wood”

is helping, rather than hindering your efforts.

yeah, it must have to do something with my looks… :wink:

They had me surprised today,
building the dual with a ic engine and a home made pmg
i just can say wow…
can t wait for seeing it running

Not so often that i have seen such speed between idea and realisation…
bottom left is their home made permanent magnet generator, 3 phase…
middle honda GX160, right the dual gasifier with plastic pyrolyses, fumes feed back to the bottom nozzle…
students are enthousiastic…
i am enjoying them, every day more…
this is life…

Its a wide open search for free energy,lots of motor configerations out of my study capacity.I think electric is the auto of the future.even the pope of rome said some thing of that efect few years back.mean time SWEM.

Koen; What is the white hose that comes off the very top and goes to the very bottom? And why have they added a heat shield around the tank? Does it get hot? They/you aren’t using any cooling such a water or exhaust gas? This is a “how come” question; “How come”??TomC

The white hose is moving fumes from the burning plastic into the air intake of the charcoal gasifier. For Tom:

What sort of plastic are you heating in the inner tank? Here, our plastic bottles have a little triangle (formed by three arrows)on the bottom with a number inside. Milk jugs are HDPE or High Density Polyethylene with a “2”. See I thought burning plastics was very dangerous because the fumes could contain hydrogen cyanide (HCN). Also, if burning PVC atmospheric problems are created when the compound forms as a combustion byproduct, e.g. the vinyl component in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) reacts with the nitrogen in the atmosphere or another nitrogen compound. The vinyl chloride donates the hydrogen and carbon, any ammonia donates some nitrogen and more hydrogen, and the fire provides the energy to fuel the reaction. A related reaction can also generate hydrochloric acid (HCL) gas, using hydrogen and the chlorine component.
I have been trying not to burn any sort of plastic, and instead haul it to a recycling center where it is graded by the numbers stamped into the bottle. How will you clean out that inner container? Could it contain dioxins? Where will you dump the residue? Are you sure this is safe? Some towns are passing laws prohibiting single use plastic bags, so we bring our own cloth bags to the grocery store. I am sure you have checked this out. What did you find?