Its been allmost a month now since l got the new pets. I got BEES and fell in love with them the second l saw the first bee fly out of the hive.
Thod we culd exchange some knowlidge here, since there is so many bee keepers on the site.
So, let me introduce my girls. Those are a voriety called the Krainer grey bee, a indigenous Slovenian bee and the only voriety legaly kept in Slovenia. They have amazing characteristics, look it up if anyone is interasted.
The hive is allso unique
Its called a AĹ˝ hive, its most used hive here. It looks like a wooden cubbord with two levels of frames separated by a queen excluder. It has a integrated feeder.
The hives are traditionaly stacked to form one wall of a bee shead, a small house with all the bee equipment. Since the hives have back doors, acess to them is easy and under the roof.ÄŤebelnjak&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=imvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjLrtCC8IvbAhXO_qQKHTFFCU4Q_AUIESgB&biw=360&bih=560
I do however not plan to build a structure like that so the hive will need to be replaced with some other design. Got this old one chdap with the bees.
They are doing good and had filled about half the honey level by now
Now l must make it clear honey production is not the primary reason l became a beekeper. Mostly its polination, propolis and above all just the love to the crites. This sayd, l will not be trying to force honey production. I hope to get by with natural ways of beekeeping, so l will only feed them as a last resort. I plan to let them do ther thing on their own and only collect their extra honey. If l get some, great. If not, ok too.
So far so good. I built a polen extractor
But l decided to not collect any polen for now. Let the bees grow as strong as posible this year, when l am inexperianced and will likely make some mistakes.
Now l allso have a question. The hive is doing great and they are thinkig of swaring. The hive is full of queen cells, one allready has a big larva in so l expect a swarm soon.
Queen cups on a empty frame
So the question. Let them swarm or divide the hive? Wich do you recomend?
Allso l have a question on queen breeding. Since l only have one hive and the next is at least about 3 miles away, the new queen will most likely be inbreed. Is that a problem?
Bee well