Life goes on - Summer 2020

If you think the job is boring, why not start chopping in the woods, you could make a forwarder that went on firewood and play all day, if it worked I do not think you would lose on it.
I have enjoyed a few hours making firewood, became 14 sacks, lasts about 14 days.


Jan, I spent several weeks late winter, early spring to extract sawlogs from spruce knocked down by the wind. I sold a full size truck load, but the pay for my effort was probably less then $10 a day (minus expenses).
If I have two arrends a day into town I can save the same amount a day on gasoline. Two bags of chunks is all it takes. Also, saving is tax-free - income is not.

Bottom line is, I think I would skip the forwarder and try take on some delivery commitments. That would be something - part time DOW (Delivery On Wood) and part time chunking :smile:


warehouses for wood chips

a little more work with the stones


Ok, I have a little better numbers when I chop, I think most of it depends on what I have to drive the timber out of the forest with, it takes the longest time.


Gasifier in disguise?
Reminded me of an old saying we used in the remodeling business, “if you can’t hide it, accent it”.


My heat goes out to anybody affected by the fires, out west !


48 bears allowed to be shot in our district this year. The hunt is allowed until 15th of October, but most of them were shot already the first weekend.
@Jan, will we be able to see any teddy on your S10 dashboard?


Do you mean I should have a bear on the truck bed? I live in Örebro county, and we are not allowed to hunt bears, I do not think I would like to do that either, I am far too cowardly, I get worried every time I find bear droppings.


JO; You struck a nerve with me. I hate bear hunters. Here they turn dogs loose in the woods and they have electronic collars on them. They track the dogs with receivers while sitting in their trucks. When the dogs start howling, they look at the receiver and it takes them right to the dogs, and the BIG hunters shoot the bear. A friend stopped one of the dogs going across his propert and took the collar off and put it on a stick which he through into the river. TomC


Sounds like you need better hunting rules. That isn’t allowed here. The only thing you can hunt with dogs here is birds as far as I know.


A fur dashboard, like the youg-guns have, is was what I had in mind :smile:
@TomC, wolf- and bear hunt is a delicate subject, as always. Bear hunt is much needed in this area though. The population has been growing steadily for many years. The same goes with wild boars. For some reason people don’t get as upset about pig hunt and very few give much thought to how store bought meat is “produced”. As always, a neat wrapping fools most.


Reporting first boiler light-up since April. Wood consumption will be up a few hundred % during hibernation.


Ha! Ha! So far I have resisted liting up the woodstove on wood.
But have needed overnight house/early morning heat.
With the wildfire smokes outside so bad; a wood stove negative pressuring the inside of the house drawing in that AQI 500+ outside smokes was a very bad idea.
So ran the central electric furnace 24/7 in recirculation through an active carbon filter.
Just as soon as the drought break rains started last Friday, washing down the smokes then it was stove burn off all of the accumulated not shiny papers, cardboards and pasteboard boxes accumulated since mid-July. Very tedious.

Yep. After cleaning out all of the built up papers ash be back on wood by tomorrow morning.

So it begins another yearly cycle, eh.
Me; the oldest dog and cat love this bones warming time of year.


Dim red sun in the sky yesterday up on my land, wildfire smoke. That’s some big burning to be visible 2 - 3 thousand miles away. I hear there were / are air quality advisories for parts of Saskatchewan, our neighbour to the west. And soot is dark, where it settles ice melts. Unprecedented times. :frowning:


Made it here as well, during the weekend.


This year I’ve had to light the wood stove up at least twice every month. When it’s 60 in the house, I make a fire. It’s nice because it keeps the coffee hot in the morning. By noon we may be opening the windows.


Bill, this summer was odd because June and August was hot, but July cool enough to light a few early morning sticks in the kitchen cooking stove.
Right now a couple frost nights make plums and blackberries hurry to ripen.


Wow I just learned something new I had to look up how hardy plums are because I always thought of them as a southern fruit. Turns out they range from zone 3 to 8 in the US system.
I love those blackberries too but they are very well protected I almost never bother fighting with the thorns to pick them.
Someday when I have spare time I will plant an orchard. Ofcourse by the time I get there someone younger will have to pick the fruits and as I never had kids I have no idea who that would be

We just started getting frosts here in New Hampshire this week. Guess old man winter is walking up again from his long nap.


If anyone needs any hay I can sure fix them up :grinning:


I highly recomend these Victoria plum trees. They need only a couple years to start producing fruit. Egg sized and very sweet plums. Maintenace free gardening :smile:
Btw, I’m in zone 5.