Don, why don’t you make a short video and show us how it’s done
Marcus, what a cliffhanger! Lightup has never been closer. I’m trembling like an aspen, waiting for your next video
Don, why don’t you make a short video and show us how it’s done
Marcus, what a cliffhanger! Lightup has never been closer. I’m trembling like an aspen, waiting for your next video
Many years of rad cap in the belly button and hood latch a little further south. Nothing comfy about that, im lucky that my buddy left this topside creeper at the shop for me to use! Only reason I can work as fast as I can on projects like this, it is a game changer for productivity. Even with knee pads built in to my pants, I stare at something deep in the engine bay and think twice before doing it for that level of discomfort
Good Job Marcus,
On your woodgas ASH pre-charging it’d be wise to shake a gallon or so down thru the grate too.
This will quicker down below establish typical operating conditions.
Insulate fill-in the nooks and crannies.
In your case from slipped char glowing heat save your ash cleanout door.
Running D.F. it takes quite a bit of time to self-ash normal establish.
Ha! One house I am this year Buring cottonwood. At ~10X the ash of DF, this cottonwood makes insulating well in one firing cycle. Too well. Have to percentage ash remove, each and every morning to get my firebox space back. Keep from primary air jet clogging.
Steve unruh
All I can say is YAY!!! I see the Flare!!! YOU DID IT, GOOD JOB MARCUS !!! Now how does it feel to have two WK Gasifiers. And you are one of our newer members to Drive On Wood. I am sure you broke the record in closest time between two WK Gasifier builds. @Wayne did he beat your record Wayne?
Great job Marcus . We all are proud of you.
did he beat your record Wayne?
Mr Bob . I don’t want to be racing Marcus in any form . He would leave an old man like me standing at the starting line
Yup that would be for us all kinda statement for sure. Lol
“Hour long stops?” You are going to have to make up some pamplets to hand out that say DOW. And the website.
Wayne I got way too much respect to leave you in the starting line, I’ll drop a v8 in your wheel chair so it’sa fair race
We really should put together a pamphlet tri fold style for people. I know Chris Saenz always had his big 3 ring binder full of printouts.
Ha! Ha! You surely do show “Blackhands Freedom!” well Marcus.
Steve Unruh
That is a great Idea Cody. Made up on nice paper and pictures to tell about woodgas and chargas driving and generating.
Make it available in the Drive On Wood store. I know I would by some to hand out and keep in the wood burner truck when some will ask.
As the fuel shortages come we need to be ready for the big in flux of people that will want to pay for a membership.
Is there some one here on this site that can make up a pamplet?
@sbowman has made some nice pamphlets, one for his Char Car and others. Printing is definitely a passion of his.
Well you got some char black gold hands in your other vidio, now that you got your ash cones and charbed settled,it wont be quite so bad. Its sure be nice not too have too feed it 5 bucks every 8 or 10 miles, MPG.Thats all i get with my 1991 454 chevy 3500 truck.CHEERS,nice job.
Marcus, just like the others said, “great job, we are proud of you,…”, well, I have to admit that I envy you for having such a beautifully made truck.
Wow! What can I say? Most have been said by now. I watched you struggle with the plumbing, went to bed and when I wake up you’re already hundereds of miles into DOWing
With two small kids, a full time job, two woodgas trucks within a year almost and all the filming and editing, we all owe you and especially your wife a big Thank You.