A simple Swedish hello

As J-O said we are workmates, since I had already a suppressed woodgas interest for many years and then when he was hired it all came bubbling up to the surface and flooded my mind, no stopping it so this has been my main interest since last summer.
A -95 volvo 850 has already been bought so a build will start soon, the hopper, heatexchangers, cyclone, cooling and the other piping I have a fairly clear picture how I want it but I am struggling a little with the actual dimensions in the hearth, do not have that knowledge to feel confident about starting that yet. Some more reading has to be done, I need to know the whole process inside out to be able to make those decitions. Am a bit of controlfreak there I guess.


I am wondering, what easy simple program are you guys using to make a skizz to explain how you are thinking?
I am perhaps old school and am leaning towards a piece of paper and make a pic of it but if there is something quick and easy out there…


Maybe im old-school too… :smile:

Works for me, if others be able to decipher…


I think pencil and paper is best. I have used SolidWorks but it takes a lot of time and is not better.


Pencil and paper it is then, its easy to change and easy to use.
Plus the previous drawings that went wrong or ha too many errors gives me a warm house in the end


When they started designing cars with computer programs, they lost their “soul”. :grin:


I agree, when I see newer cars around here it looks like some giant has been sitting on them, long, wide and flat.
Well, newer to me is anything after year 2000.


I would just go and copy what JO has built and impove on his design. I am sure he would be flattered.
Right JO. Lol


That’s me all the way, grafting paper and pencil and a big white eraser.


I have to use the eraser attached to the pencil, the others i just loose.
When i was in school i lost so many erasers that my mother bought me a giant fun-stuff eraser, i still remember it, maybe 5×2 inch, with the text: For BIG Mistakes. :sweat_smile:


Not sure that I would be able to improve anything on my first build, I also have yet to decide what hearth style I will go for?
I am not totally sold on an imbert but its not discarded either, there are many things I can make and fix first before that decision has to be made, there will not be any dow if there is no dry chunks for instance.


Well, pencils apparently look exactly the same the world over. What else? I bet matches and toilet paper. It’s like the kids song. “It’s a small world after all.” I bet an old swede’s bony ass looks just like my bony ass as well. No reason for us to fight. If you need a pencil I’ll be glad to give you one. I’ll bet JO will be glad to let you use his excellent chunk maker in exchange for a plate of meatballs Johan.


I’m sure I would be able to use J-O’s chunker but it is nice to have one of my own, it would be unhandy to pass it between us and if I somehow would break it I would have to fix it for him ofcourse but it would be an inconvenience for him and affect his ability to dow in the long run, i would rather break something of my own stuff if you know what I mean.


Ha! I hope your mother wasn’t implying that you were a big mistake. The problem with pencil erasers is that they wear out much faster than the pencil for me, so I have to keep on hand a bunch of those erasers which fit over the end of the pencil.


I can’t remember who said it when I first joined this forum, but they suggested copying a proven system for your first build (nobody builds just one, right?). I had all these ideas after reading so many posts, but when it actually came down to what dimensions, nozzle size ect to use, I knew it was going to be a calculated guess. I didn’t want to be disappointed and have trouble learning the other 75% as @Wayne says. That is why I went with the WK style for my first build. I figure it gives me the best chance of learning the other 75% the quickest.

Garry C


I totally agree, I dont want to be disappointed either. There wont be any percentage learned of the other 75% if the gasifier doesnt work, and if no learning happens in that area its hard to construct a new gasifier that works better.
I kind of want it to at least work satisfactory the first time.
I’m kind of guessing about that, perhaps I have to start making napkin drawings soon, the first one will probably be erased so many times so it would look as if I drew it with a thick marker :joy:


I had the same eraser a 5×2 inch when I was a young, it been about 60 years ago now. Lol


I like to use Microoft Paint which comes free with Windows operating system. It is easy to learn and produces clear drawings.
Here is my drawing of my first Brandt style gasifier that I built in 2011.


The thing is that he is gasifying a car and getting a WK or even a Ben Peterson to fit is not easy plus in Sweden he still has to pass inspections that many of us here don’t have to concern ourselves with.


Exactly TomH.
What ever JohanM would build it must fit the purpose for where he lives and the fuelwood stocks he will have.

JohanM I will suggest you read over about Joni’s evolved lift off removable rear bumper mounted systems:


In these topics on his video submissions, you can “view on youtube” and then link up go to his youtube channel and see these are both evolved and simplified for his earlier designs.

Steve Unruh